水晶之刃 BCR 138, 训练师 - 神奇宝贝工具特效, 设计者 5ban Graphics 首次发布于 May, 2022 在编辑中 Boundaries Crossed. 目前以最低价出售 元 3.45.
一个专注于白色酋雷姆-EX并依靠其攻击造成高伤害的牌组将受益于使用水晶之刃BCR 138 ACE SPEC卡,因为它可以将白色酋雷姆-EX的攻击伤害提高50。虽然可能有其他强大的ACE SPEC卡可用,但是否使用水晶之刃BCR 138取决于牌组内具体策略和协同作用。总的来说,如果牌组围绕白色酋雷姆-EX构建,并旨在最大化其伤害潜力,包括水晶之刃BCR 138可能是一个战略选择。
Attach a Pokémon Tool to 1 of your Pokémon that doesn't already have a Pokémon Tool attached to it.
If this card is attached to White Kyurem-EX, each of its attacks does 50 more damage to the Active Pokémon (before applying Weakness and Resistance).
You can't have more than 1 ACE SPEC card in your deck.
You may play as many Item cards as you like during your turn (before your attack).
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