Expert Belt AR 87 专家腰带, 训练师 - 神奇宝贝道具, 设计者 Wataru Kawahara 首次发布于 May, 2022 在编辑中 Arceus. 见游戏 1 格式: Unlimited. 目前以最低价出售 ¥ 1.29.
一个以高HP宝可梦为重点,具有强大攻击力并能从额外的HP提升和伤害增加中受益的牌组将受益于Expert Belt AR 87。虽然Expert Belt在某些牌组中可能是一个有用的工具,但有更好的选择,比如Choice Band,它提供更大的伤害提升,而不会在击倒对手时冒给对手额外奖励卡的风险。Expert Belt可能在重视坦克宝可梦和逐步伤害提升的特定策略中发挥作用,但总体而言,在竞技比赛中可能不是最理想的选择。
Attach Expert Belt to 1 of your Pokémon that doesn't already have a Pokémon Tool attached to it. If that Pokémon is Knocked Out, discard this card.
The Pokémon this card is attached to gets +20 HP and that Pokémon's attacks do 20 more damage to your opponent's Active Pokémon (before applying Weakness and Resistance). When the Pokémon this card is attached to is Knocked Out, your opponent takes 1 more Prize card.
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