Hello, I'm Rodrigo, and I'm here to bring you information about the great world of Pokémon. Surely, you've heard about how ghost Pokémon are feared because of their supernatural nature and dark aspects.
And despite the franchise being aimed at a children/youth audience, it has macabre stories regarding the description of these creatures in the Pokédex and in the Pokémon lore!
The 17 Most Lethal Ghost Pokémon

Representing Antimatter within the triad of Arceus' creation, he was so violent that he was detained by Arceus and banished to the underworld to reign over there as a punishment and penance, almost a figurative allegory of the Christianity where he would be Satan, who opposed God to want to be greater and was punished by expulsion from heaven. The motivations for which Giratina was expelled are unknown to this day, such is the gravity of what Giratina committed.
And in that reversed/twisted world that he lives in, in that underworld, he spawned all the ghost Pokémon that we know of in the franchise.
Gastly, Haunter and Gengar

According to UltraSun's Pokédex, it is said that of the gases that make up Gastly's body, 95% is poison and 5% is from the souls of victims who inhaled this smoke and died as a result.
Haunter has another quirk because of its dark attacks at night, where it licks people and Pokémon, causing fear, distress and physical depletion, as well as gradually damaging health if the Pokémon or human is a stamped target of it. Fatally, with more licks, it is already possible to connect that the target can die.
As for Gengar, in some Pokédex descriptions, casts curses at the target using its gaze. To try to take their life, it infiltrates their shadow to make a sneak attack. In the most recent descriptions of its Gigantamax form in Sword/Shield, it is described that its mouth, when opened, tries to swallow a person's soul and from there it is possible to hear projections of voices of their loved ones.

There are legends in the Hoenn region that if you stare into this Pokémon's crystallized eyes, you have your soul engulfed.
And in their habitats, which are dark caves, they become dangerous because the lighting in their eyes is the highlight in the midst of darkness. To the human who feigns the look to see that lighting is practically a death sentence.

Despite its somewhat sympathetic appearance, Mismagius is practically a walking curse.
According to the Pokédex of the Sun game, the Pokémon is said to mutter and whisper curses to humans and Pokémon around it. And these curses can cause the target to see visions and hallucinate, bringing insanity and despair.
Phantump and Trevenant

The description of the Pokémon is bizarre in itself, as these Pokémon are the souls of children who died lost in the forests. And that's because we're talking about a franchise with a children/youth audience as I said, but it gets worse with its evolution, Trevenant.
There, it is said in Omega Ruby's Pokédex that it kills humans through curses and can even manipulate local trees through its roots. And if any tree connected to it happens to be felled by a human, it places a curse on the target.
Oricorio -Sensu Style-

In the ghost form of this bird from the Alola region, which has traits of a “geisha”, despite appearances and how willingly it is welcomed by travelers from Kanto to the tropical region with a celebratory dance, it also has an otherworldly air.
It has the power to summon the dead with necromancy, summoning various spirits or Pokémon with its dance, and at the same time, the Pokémon recites curses. And the danger may be the invocation of those spirits that can summon these dark energies that can strengthen this curse along with the Oricorio in their recitations.

The Pokémon itself is perhaps the most peaceful of all, precisely because it cannot be evil out of necessity or for the pleasure of doing so, as it is not intentional. It wears robes of a Pikachu sewn because it wants to feel wanted since it's needy and misunderstood by people, but that's not the only reason for its clothes.
Its form is unknown, and it is said that those who see its true form can be so horrified and so terrified by what they witness that the target simply dies. That's why the Pokémon tries to cover itself with as many cloths as possible so as not to be seen.

Based on the Japanese legend of the Yuki-ōnna, this geisha-like Pokémon isn't all that friendly. Its obsessive love can bring death.
If she loves a human that intensely, she can freeze the target alive and keep them trapped in their hiding place, almost similar to the original Japanese legend on which it was based.

This innocent-looking balloon Pokémon is just for looks, but it's terribly sadistic.
He can trick children by having them grab one of their loose ribbons and take them aimlessly into the skies, as they are lighter, and thus easier to abduct. That child will never return.

In its Pokédex, this Pokémon is responsible for destroying ships and sinking them, including humans on board.
And this inspiration from the jellyfish Pokémon may have relationships with the Japanese legends of Umi-bōzu, which does something similar, and even though the physical characteristics of both characters differ, the intentions are the same.

This Pokémon is a collection of 108 evil spirits trapped in a stone of containment, a sealing, called the Odd Keystone for committing terrible transgressions. And in the Pokédex it is not clear the relationship of these trapped spirits, if they are people, Pokémon or even evil entities that give a form of structural composition of this Pokémon.
The legend to refer to the Pokémon came from Japan with the Jibakurei (地縛霊, Earth-bound Spirit), which are spirits clinging to the earth plane that intertwine as if it were a "legion", with memories stuck in some point, as if they were voices or echoes. It's as if they were repeated and cyclic recordings, like a curse, or also trapped by some traumatic event that made them stay in that place.
Another relationship of the number 108 comes in relation to Zen Buddhism where a temple bell at the turn of the year is rung 108 times to ward off evils and temptations that prevent you from reaching Nirvana, the state of enlightenment in which you are sought. Most likely these temptations come from the sixth realm of Saṃsāra (天魔降伏, Rikudō Rinne), being more precise in the realm of Mara, where the essence of evil dwells.
In addition, the orbital shape of the souls around the Spiritomb form what looks like a rosary, and that referring to Zen Buddhism, this particular accessory has 108 beads, representing human weaknesses, where the combination of and numbers is given by 36 (by the divine account) and 72 (by the earthly account), with the purpose of reciting these numbers in supplication to Buddha, to redeem himself from sins, contrary to the concept of the Pokémon that is a transgressor.

Literally, the spite Pokémon. In many Pokédex, it is described as feeding on rancor and hatred, said to be a doll that has been abandoned by a child who seeks revenge for this disdain, and hunts until revenge is taken.
Other versions say that evil energies filled the body of an abandoned doll and gave it life, and so that this energy does not escape, its mouth is sewn shut.
In its Mega Evolution, its power is so strong that its curse extends to its trainer, and the extent of revenge power is such that its zipper, both of the mouth and hands, cannot contain it.
To rid it of this cursed condition, it is said that it needs to take good care of the Pokémon with love and care, so that this hatred dissipates.

In Black's Pokédex, it is said that if spirits are burned by its spectral flames, they lose their way to the afterlife and become trapped on the earth plane.
In Omega Ruby's Pokédex, it reads that if the target is charred by that Pokémon's flames, the spirit detaches from the body and is consumed by the spectral flames.
In addition, in Shield's Pokédex, it is common for it to appear at funerals, lighting up the places and if a residence has a huge frequency of these types of events, it will attract more of this Pokémon.

According to the Sword/Shield Pokédex, it is said that Runegrius is a powerful curse that was painted onto destroyed stone, and after it absorbs a Galarian Yamask, it comes to life.
And at no time can you touch its surface because if you do, you will receive terrible memories of the place and even the Pokémon itself, making the target go into madness and despair.

This Pokémon is actually the dead Corsola that gained this "unlife" condition.
In the Sword/Shield Pokédex, its shell is said to be overflowing with its heightened supernatural energy. Ectoplasm serves as protection for this Pokémon's core spirit. And if you try to touch that ectoplasmic mark, you will be petrified.

They are Pokémon that are said to be representations of humans when they were alive. Evolved from the Yamask who according to legends carry a mask said to be their faces in life, these Pokémon are more violent as grave robbers are imprisoned and killed by them, turned into mummies in the process.

In many Pokédex descriptions from various games, it is associated with its voice, which can be the pronouncement of curses to those who hear it. There are other versions that the moans and murmurs that you hear from this Pokémon are from souls tortured by it, or that it knocks on the door of houses at night on certain occasions, where if a human opens the door, it will forcibly swallow its spirit.
So, what did you think of the list? Did you think Pokémon was something innocent and “family friendly”? Which of these Pokémon surprised you? Tell us your opinion below in the comments. See you in a next article!

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