Magma Pointer 岩浆指针 DCR 24, 训练师 - 神奇宝贝道具, 设计者 Toyste Beach 首次发布于 May, 2022 在编辑中 Double Crisis. 目前以最低价出售 元 1.53.
这张熔岩指示器DCR 24卡牌将有助于一个以格斗类型为重点的卡组,该卡组侧重于在对手的宝可梦之间传播伤害。虽然在某些情况下它可能会有用,但有更好的选择,比如提供更多多功能效果或伤害加成的选择带或肌肉带。总的来说,与其他宝可梦道具卡相比,熔岩指示器DCR 24在竞技卡组中可能不会得到很多使用,因为它的实用性有限。
Attach a Pokémon Tool to 1 of your Pokémon that doesn't already have a Pokémon Tool attached to it.
The Team Magma Pokémon this card is attached to can also use the attack on this card. (You still need the necessary Energy to use this attack.)
You may play as many Item cards as you like during your turn (before your attack).
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