重靴 BKT 141, 训练家 - 神奇宝贝道具, 设计者 Toyste Beach 首次发布于 May, 2022 在编辑中 BREAKthrough. 目前以最低价出售 0.57.
一个侧重于拥有高撤退成本的坦克型宝可梦,如VMAX或二阶宝可梦的卡组,在宝可梦卡牌游戏中使用BKT 141号重靴会受益。虽然重靴提供了HP提升和免疫混乱的保护,但其他卡片如大吊坠或气球可能是更多样化的选择,取决于具体的卡组策略。然而,对于寻求提高生存能力并为关键宝可梦提供状态保护的卡组,重靴仍然可以发挥作用。
Attach a Pokémon Tool to 1 of your Pokémon that doesn't already have a Pokémon Tool attached to it.
If the Retreat Cost of the Pokémon this card is attached to is 3 or more, that Pokémon gets +20 HP and can't be Confused. (If that Pokémon is currently Confused, remove that Special Condition.)
You may play as many Item cards as you like during your turn (before your attack).
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