Jubilife Village 快乐村庄 ASR 148, Trainer - 道馆, 设计者 Oswaldo KATO 首次发布于 May, 2022 在编辑中 Astral Radiance. 目前以最低价出售 0.07.
一副侧重于快速抽牌和循环资源的牌组将受益于使用 Jubilife Village ASR 148 卡。这张卡在依赖特定组合或需要快速寻找关键卡牌的牌组中尤其有用。然而,有更好的卡牌具有类似效果,提供更多灵活性,并且不会结束玩家的回合,比如教授的研究或辛西娅。虽然 Jubilife Village ASR 148 有其独特用途,但由于其限制性质,它可能不会在竞技牌组中得到广泛应用。
Once during each player's turn, that player may shuffle their hand into their deck and draw 5 cards. If they do, their turn ends.
V rule: When your Pokémon V is Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.
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