过期。分享 DRV 18, 训练师 - 神奇宝贝工具, 设计者 Ryo Ueda 首次发布于 May, 2022 在编辑中 Dragon Vault. 目前以最低价出售 ¥ 5.07.
经验。共享 DRV 18 卡对于专注于进化神奇宝贝或需要多个能量附件的套牌特别有用,因为它允许在击倒时进行能量转移,有助于保持战斗动力。使用具有高 HP 的神奇宝贝或那些可以从被击倒中快速恢复的神奇宝贝(例如 VMAX 或第 2 阶段神奇宝贝)的套牌会发现此工具具有优势。然而,其他卡牌,如能量回收或焊工,可能会通过允许更快的能量恢复或附着来提供更直接的好处。总体而言,虽然Exp。分享在特定策略中可能很有用,但它可能不是大多数竞争套牌中的主要内容,具体取决于当前的元数据和能量管理需求。
Attach a Pokémon Tool to 1 of your Pokémon that doesn't already have a Pokémon Tool attached to it.
When your Active Pokémon is Knocked Out by damage from an opponent's attack, you may move 1 basic Energy card that was attached to that Pokémon to the Pokémon this card is attached to.
You may play as many Item cards as you like during your turn (before your attack).
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