霍隆能量GL DF 85, 能量 - 特殊, 设计者 Takumi Akabane 首次发布于 May, 2022 在编辑中 Dragon Frontiers. 目前以最低价出售 3.55.
一个专注于利用草属性和电属性宝可梦的牌组将受益于包含 Holon 能量 GL DF 85,因为它提供多功能的无属性能量,并且可以保护免受特殊状态和对手的宝可梦-EX 攻击造成的伤害。然而,需要特定能量附件的限制可能使其效率低于其他能量卡,这些卡提供更普遍的好处而无需这种条件,因此在牌组策略中应仔细考虑是否包含它。
Holon Energy GL provides Colorless Energy.
If the Pokémon that Holon Energy GL is attached to also has a basic Grass Energy card attached to it, that Pokémon can't be affected by any Special Conditions. If the Pokémon that Holon Energy GL is attached to also has a basic Lightning Energy card attached to it, damage done to that Pokémon by attacks from your opponent's Pokémon-ex is reduced by 10. Ignore these effects if Holon Energy GL is attached to Pokémon-ex.
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