POK > Metagame Unlimited > deck Lightning
Main Deck cards Lightning
4.0 in 100% of decks
2.0 in 100% of decks
2.0 in 100% of decks
2.0 in 100% of decks
2.0 in 100% of decks
2.0 in 100% of decks
The "Lightning" deck in the Unlimited format of the Pokemon TCG is an electrifying deck that focuses on aggressive and fast-paced strategies. The deck thrives on utilizing Lightning Energy cards to power up its powerful Electric-type Pokemon, making it a high-energy and high-pressure deck to play against. One of the key strategies of the "Lightning" deck is to quickly power up its Pokemon with Lightning Energy cards and attack with powerful Electric-type attacks. Cards like Voltner and Electric Generator help accelerate energy attachment, allowing for quick setup and aggressive plays. Good points of the "Lightning" deck include its speed and consistency. The deck can quickly set up its Pokemon and start applying early pressure on the opponent. Additionally, the deck has a variety of support cards like Quick Ball, Professor's Research, and Boss's Orders that help maintain momentum and disrupt the opponent's strategy. However, the "Lightning" deck does have some weaknesses. One of the main drawbacks is its reliance on Energy cards. If the deck struggles to draw into Energy cards or if they get discarded by the opponent, it can hinder the deck's ability to attack effectively. Additionally, Electric-type Pokemon are often weak to other types like Fighting and Ground, so the deck may struggle against decks that exploit these weaknesses. Overall, the "Lightning" deck in the Unlimited format of the Pokemon TCG offers a fast-paced and aggressive playstyle with a strong emphasis on energy acceleration and Electric-type attacks. With the right strategy and card choices, the deck can be a powerful contender in the competitive scene.
Example deck with Lightning
Unlimited, Bui, Nathan K

2 double-rares, 2 promos and 10 uncommons
Zapdos ex PR-SV 49
Iron Hands ex PRE 31
Nemona's Backpack sv4pt5 83
Lady LOR 159
Stormy Mountains EVS 161
Volkner UPR 135
14 cards maindeck
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