POK > Metagame Unlimited > deck Colorless Darkness Fire Lightning Water
The "Colorless Darkness Fire Lightning Water" deck in the Unlimited format of the Pokemon TCG is an interesting and diverse deck that combines different types of energies and Pokemon to create a versatile strategy. The deck features a mix of Fire and Colorless type Pokemon like Charmander, Reshiram-GX, and Charizard ex, as well as cards like Gouging Fire ex and Victini V to enhance the Fire energy theme. One of the main strategies of this deck is to quickly power up your Fire type Pokemon using cards like Kiawe and Welder, allowing you to deal heavy damage to your opponent's Pokemon. The inclusion of cards like Computer Search and VS Seeker can help you search for key cards and reuse important supporter cards like Professor Oak and Lysandre's Trump Card. The deck's versatility comes from its mix of different energy types, allowing you to adapt to different situations and counter your opponent's strategies effectively. However, the deck's reliance on Fire energy may make it vulnerable to decks that can easily counter Fire type Pokemon. Overall, the "Colorless Darkness Fire Lightning Water" deck offers a dynamic and aggressive playstyle that can catch your opponent off guard with its diverse range of Pokemon and energy types. With the right strategy and card choices, this deck can be a powerful force in the Unlimited format of the Pokemon TCG.
Example deck with Colorless Darkness Fire Lightning Water

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