Phantom Forces is a captivating expansion of the Pokémon Trading Card Game that delves into the mysterious and shadowy aspects of the Pokémon universe. Set against the backdrop of the enigmatic Team Flare and the haunting presence of Mega Evolution, this set introduces players to a host of Ghost-type Pokémon, including the elusive Phantump and the powerful Gengar. The lore revolves around the idea of spirits and the unseen forces that influence the world of Pokémon, with cards that emphasize themes of deception and stealth. Mechanically, Phantom Forces innovates with the introduction of the Mystery Energy and Dimension Valley cards, which enhance the abilities of Psychic and Ghost-type Pokémon, allowing for strategic gameplay that revolves around manipulating energy and maximizing damage output. This set not only enriches the narrative of the Pokémon world but also offers new strategies for players to explore.
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