反转能量 sv4 266, 能源-特殊, 设计者 Konami 首次发布于 Nov, 2023 在编辑中 Paradox Rift. 见游戏 1 格式: Standard.
能够在游戏早期持续获得奖品卡的套牌,例如具有强大攻击力并能够快速击倒对手神奇宝贝的攻击性套牌,将受益于使用反转能量 sv4 266 卡。然而,根据具体的牌组策略和能量需求,可能有更好的选择。玩家应该考虑其他卡牌,例如 Rainbow Energy 或 Multi Energy,它们可以在能量附加方面提供更大的灵活性和一致性,从而使 Reversal Energy sv4 266 不太可能在大多数竞争性套牌中出现。
As long as this card is attached to a Pokémon, it provides Colorless Energy. If you have more Prize cards remaining than your opponent, and if this card is attached to an Evolution Pokémon that doesn't have a Rule Box (Pokémon ex, Pokémon V, etc. have Rule Boxes), this card provides every type of Energy but provides only 3 Energy at a time.
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