能量燃烧 BKT 151, 能量 - 特殊, 设计者 5ban Graphics 首次发布于 May, 2022 在编辑中 BREAKthrough. 目前以最低价出售 元 11.05.
一个以火属性宝可梦为中心的牌组,依赖于持续的能量附着和回收,将极大受益于使用炽热能量 BKT 151。这张卡牌确保了您的火属性宝可梦获得持续的火属性能量,尤其是当它们被攻击以可能丢弃能量时。虽然可能有其他能量加速卡可用,但炽热能量 BKT 151 的独特能力在被丢弃后返回给宝可梦,使其成为寻求能量韧性和效率的牌组的有价值的补充,使其成为适合牌组策略的强有力竞争者。
(If this card is attached to anything other than a Fire Pokémon, discard this card.)
If this card is discarded by an attack of the Fire Pokémon this card is attached to, attach this card from your discard pile to that Pokémon after attacking.
This card can only be attached to Fire Pokémon. This card provides Fire Energy only while this card is attached to a Fire Pokémon.
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