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Standard Deck Tech: Hop's Zacian ex & Archaludon ex - Theories and Possibilities

Standard Deck Tech: Hop's Zacian ex & Archaludon ex - Theories and Possibilities

Rodrigo William

In today's article, we'll explore a list with one of the most anticipated Pokémon from Journey Toget...

PokémonTCG Journey Together Standard Zacian

Expanded Deck Tech: Galarian Slowking VMax - Poison Box

Expanded Deck Tech: Galarian Slowking VMax - Poison Box

Rodrigo William

In this article, we'll explore this Expanded version of the very forgotten Galarian Slowking, now up...

Pokémon TCG Expanded Slowking

Standard Deck Tech - Klawf + Hisuian Electrode V - São Paulo LAIC (2024)

Standard Deck Tech - Klawf + Hisuian Electrode V - São Paulo LAIC (2024)

Rodrigo William

In this article, we'll explore a rogue deck with Hisuian Electrode V and Brute Bonnet. Just recently...

Pokémon TCG Standard LATAM Brazil

Standard Deck Tech - Hisuian Typhlosion VStar & Dusknoir - With Shrouded Fable

Standard Deck Tech - Hisuian Typhlosion VStar & Dusknoir - With Shrouded Fable

Rodrigo William

Check out this deck tech for Hisuian Typhlosion VStar, a forgotten Pokémon, with new cards from Shro...

TCG Standard Ghost Pokémon

Standard Deck Tech: Iron Valiant ex + Decidueye ex

Standard Deck Tech: Iron Valiant ex + Decidueye ex

Rodrigo William

Check out the Iron Valiant ex deck, from Paradox Rift. Decidueye ex comes with backup to provide sup...

Pokémon TCG Standard Paradox Rift

Standard Deck Tech: Klawf + Hisuian Electrode V - Special Conditions Damage

Standard Deck Tech: Klawf + Hisuian Electrode V - Special Conditions Damage

Rodrigo William

Check out this list with Klawf, a new card from Paradox Rift. It focuses on the mechanic of dealing ...

PokémonTCG Economical Deck Paradox Rift

Deck Tech Standard: Scizor - Cumulative Damage Based on Opponent's Abilities

Deck Tech Standard: Scizor - Cumulative Damage Based on Opponent's Abilities

Rodrigo William

See the Obsidian Flames Scizor deck, where its attack is based on the number of opponent's Pokémon u...

Deck Rogue Scizor Obsidian Flames Standard

Standard Deck Tech: Scovillain - The Underestimated Hybrid Type Pokémon

Standard Deck Tech: Scovillain - The Underestimated Hybrid Type Pokémon

Rodrigo William

Check out the cheap Scovillain deck, coming from Obsidian Flames. With its double Grass & Fire type,...

Deck Rogue Standard Obsidian Flames

Standard: 6 Obsidian Flames Decks!

Standard: 6 Obsidian Flames Decks!

Rodrigo William

Check out these deck suggestions with the new Obsidian Flames cards. We bring iconic options, such a...

Pokémon TCG Decks Standard Ideas Strategies

Expanded Deck Tech: Zacian VStar & Zamazenta VStar + ADP

Expanded Deck Tech: Zacian VStar & Zamazenta VStar + ADP

Rodrigo William

Keep up with the Wolves of Galar decks with their VStar forms plus the benefits from ADP's GX attack...

Zacian Zamazenta SteelType Massive Damage

Deck Tech Standard: Dragonite Box - With the 151 Sub Set Build

Deck Tech Standard: Dragonite Box - With the 151 Sub Set Build

Rodrigo William

Let See how useful is the "Baby" Dragonite that will come in the especial "151" collection. It offer...

Dragonite Obsidian Flame 151 Kanto TCG

Standard Deck Tech: Charizard ex Terastal + Arceus VStar + Pidgeot ex

Standard Deck Tech: Charizard ex Terastal + Arceus VStar + Pidgeot ex

Rodrigo William

Get to know the Charizard ex Terastal deck, which was released in the Scarlet & Violet: Obsidian Fla...

Standard Charizard Pidgeot Obsidian Flames

Obsidian Flames: Top 10 Best Cards

Obsidian Flames: Top 10 Best Cards

Rodrigo William

Check out an analysis of the ten best cards which will grab the spotlight in the Scarlet & Violet 3:...

Staples Standard Obsidian Flames

Obsidian Flames: Top 10 Most Expensive Cards from the New Set

Obsidian Flames: Top 10 Most Expensive Cards from the New Set

Rodrigo William

Check out the Top 10 most expensive cards in the Obsidian Flames set, the third set from the Scarlet...

PokémonTCG ObsidianFlames Charizard Terastral

Standard Deck Tech: Hisuian Goodra VStar (LBX) - Top 2 Liverpool

Standard Deck Tech: Hisuian Goodra VStar (LBX) - Top 2 Liverpool

Rodrigo William

Get to know the deck that got second place in Liverpool's Regional, in England. This Pokémon almost ...

PokémonTGC Regional Liverpool HisuianGoodra

Standard Deck Tech: Radiant Charizard + Sableye (Lost Box)

Standard Deck Tech: Radiant Charizard + Sableye (Lost Box)

Rodrigo William

Check out this Radiant Charizard deck that had repercussions on its Lost Box variant created by Tord...

Pokémon Charizard Lost Box

Quiz: Which Legendary Pokémon suits you best

Quiz: Which Legendary Pokémon suits you best


Legendary Pokémon are the strongest known to mankind. By taking this quick quiz, you can find out wh...

Pokémon Legendary Quiz

Standard Deck Tech: Empoleon V + Hisuian Goodra - The Anti-Meta

Standard Deck Tech: Empoleon V + Hisuian Goodra - The Anti-Meta

Rodrigo William

Meet Empoleon V, from Battle Styles, combined with Hisuian Goodra "baby" from Lost Origin, inhibitin...

PokémonTCG Standard Empoleon

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