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Standard Deck Tech: Iron Valiant ex + Decidueye ex

Standard Deck Tech: Iron Valiant ex + Decidueye ex

Rodrigo William

Check out the Iron Valiant ex deck, from Paradox Rift. Decidueye ex comes with backup to provide sup...

Pokémon TCG Standard Paradox Rift

Standard Deck Tech: Iron Hands ex - Greedy Finisher

Standard Deck Tech: Iron Hands ex - Greedy Finisher

Rodrigo William

Check out the Iron Hands ex deck, from the new set, Paradox Rift. This list focuses on dealing as mu...

Standard Paradox Rift Hariyama

Standard Deck Tech: Gholdengo ex - Tons of Damage!

Standard Deck Tech: Gholdengo ex - Tons of Damage!

Rodrigo William

Check out this Gholdengo ex deck, a brand-new deck from Paradox Rift, which brings explosive, broad ...

Standard Gholdengo ex Dynamic Damage SV4

Deck Tech Standard: Garchomp ex Terastal & Lucario

Deck Tech Standard: Garchomp ex Terastal & Lucario

Rodrigo William

Follow the Garchomp ex Terastal deck, coming from Paradox Rift, with the assistance of Lucario from ...

Pokémon TCG Garchomp Lucario Paradox Rift

Expanded Deck Tech: Kanto Trio - 12 New Decklists with Set 151

Expanded Deck Tech: Kanto Trio - 12 New Decklists with Set 151

Rodrigo William

Check out 12 decklists for the Expanded format with the Kanto starter trio. There are 4 list example...

Kanto Venusaur Charizard Blastoise Expanded

Scarlet & Violet: Paradox Rift: Top 10 Most Expensive Cards From the Set

Scarlet & Violet: Paradox Rift: Top 10 Most Expensive Cards From the Set

Rodrigo William

Check out a list of the top 10 most expensive cards from the new set, Scarlet & Violet: Paradox Rift...

PokémonTCG Paradox Rift Valuable Cards

Standard Deck Tech: Venomoth + Spidops ex - Retreat Cost Increase and Item Lock

Standard Deck Tech: Venomoth + Spidops ex - Retreat Cost Increase and Item Lock

Rodrigo William

Check out how Spidops ex became valuable with Venomoth's (from the 151 set) attack, which makes the ...

tcg Standard Control Item Lock Scarlet Vi

Standard Deck Tech: Wigglytuff ex - Build with the 151 Sub Set

Standard Deck Tech: Wigglytuff ex - Build with the 151 Sub Set

Rodrigo William

Check out a deck that uses the "tanker" strategy, that means, you'll play a Pokémon with the highest...

TCG Standard Kanto Wigglytuff Tanker

Pokémon TCG - Scoop Up Net Banned in Expanded!

Pokémon TCG - Scoop Up Net Banned in Expanded!

Rodrigo William

Find out about the news coming from Japan about the banning of the Scoop Up Net card in the Expanded...

Banned Card Expanded Pokémon TCG

Standard Deck Tech: Arbok ex - Build with the 151 Sub Set

Standard Deck Tech: Arbok ex - Build with the 151 Sub Set

Rodrigo William

Check out Arbok ex, released in the "151" special sub set. The strategy consists in yanking cards ou...

tcg arbok kanto standard control

Expanded Deck Tech: Ultra Necrozma + Garbodor (Paldea Evolved - 2023 Upgrade)

Expanded Deck Tech: Ultra Necrozma + Garbodor (Paldea Evolved - 2023 Upgrade)

Rodrigo William

Check out an upgrade to the Ultra Necrozma deck with Garbodor, which got a formidable enhancement an...

Expanded Dragon Type Ultra Necrozma

Expanded Deck Tech: Zacian VStar & Zamazenta VStar + ADP

Expanded Deck Tech: Zacian VStar & Zamazenta VStar + ADP

Rodrigo William

Keep up with the Wolves of Galar decks with their VStar forms plus the benefits from ADP's GX attack...

Zacian Zamazenta SteelType Massive Damage

Standard Deck Tech: Golem ex - Build with the 151 Sub Set

Standard Deck Tech: Golem ex - Build with the 151 Sub Set

Rodrigo William

Get to know a decklist with the "151" special set Golem ex. It can fulfill the role of taking damage...

Golem Kanto Tanker Heal 151 TCG

Standard Deck Tech: Kangaskhan ex - Build with the 151 Sub Set

Standard Deck Tech: Kangaskhan ex - Build with the 151 Sub Set

Rodrigo William

Get to know a rogue deck with Kangaskhan ex, which will be released in the "151" special set. With L...

Kangaskhan Kanto TCG 151

Standard Deck Tech: Ninetales ex - A Build with the 151 Sub Set

Standard Deck Tech: Ninetales ex - A Build with the 151 Sub Set

Rodrigo William

Check out this deck tech with Ninetales ex, from the 151 set, which uses the number of cards in both...

TCG Standard Ninetales Fire Type

Reflection: The Challenges and Potential of Pokémon TCG - What Do We Expect from

Reflection: The Challenges and Potential of Pokémon TCG - What Do We Expect from

Rodrigo William

In this article, I share some questions about the Pokémon TCG, its shortcomings as an expanding game...

Pokémon TCG Problems Solutions Opinion

Deck Tech Standard: Jynx ex - Building with the 151 Sub Set

Deck Tech Standard: Jynx ex - Building with the 151 Sub Set

Rodrigo William

Follow the Jynx ex deck, which collaborates with a devastating attack that can knock out any Pokémon...

Standard Jynx Kanto Hit Kill Theory

Standard Deck Tech: Charizard ex Terastal + Arceus VStar + Pidgeot ex

Standard Deck Tech: Charizard ex Terastal + Arceus VStar + Pidgeot ex

Rodrigo William

Get to know the Charizard ex Terastal deck, which was released in the Scarlet & Violet: Obsidian Fla...

Standard Charizard Pidgeot Obsidian Flames

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