化石爪 HP 91, 训练师 - 道具, 设计者 Ryo Ueda 首次发布于 May, 2022 在编辑中 Holon Phantoms. 目前以最低价出售 ¥ 0.77.
这张 Claw Fossil HP 91 Trainer-item Pokemon TCG 卡牌可能有助于一副专注于通过向对手的主动宝可梦添加伤害计数来破坏对手策略的牌组。然而,有更好的卡牌可用,提供更一致和有影响力的效果,比如直接攻击或破坏对手手牌或棋盘状态的卡牌。总的来说,虽然 Claw Fossil 卡牌具有独特的能力,但与其他选择相比,由于其有限的效用,它可能不会在竞技牌组中得到广泛应用。
Play Claw Fossil as if it were a Basic Pokémon. While in play, Claw Fossil counts as a Colorless Pokémon (as well as a Trainer card). Claw Fossil has no attacks of its own, can't retreat, and can't be affected by any Special Conditions. If Claw Fossil is Knocked Out, it doesn't count as a Knocked Out Pokémon. (Discard it anyway.) At any time during your turn before your attack, you may discard Claw Fossil from play.
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