Today, we'll discuss the best Lugia in Pokémon TCG, since the Wizards of the Coast era until today.
Keep in mind that we won't include Lugia ex from "Pokémon TCG: Classic Collection" because all cards from this set are "forbidden" on sanctioned events, even in Expanded!

Top 10 Best Lugia of All Time
10- Shining Lugia (Sun/Moon: Promo Cards)

This Lugia from the Sun/Moon block stands out because of its first attack, Argent Wing. With this attack, Shining Lugia PR-SM SM82 deals 60 base damage plus 60 extra damage if the opponent's active Pokémon has any abilities.
If you're playing the colorless archetype with the Sword/Shield upgrades and Lugia VSTAR SIT 139's combo with its VStar ability, you can summon up to two Archeops SIT 147 from your deck to your board. You'll also be able to attach two special energies to each Archeops SIT 147. This means you'll be able to attach Powerful Colorless Energy DAA 176 to Shining Lugia PR-SM SM82. You'll deal 20 damage for each energy, as this is the colorless archetype, and thus can deal up to 80 extra damage.
So, you may deal up to 200 damage with its first attack, Argent Wing, to an enemy Pokémon that has an ability. Its second attack, Aero Force, can deal up to 210 damage (130 + 80), though you'll have to discard an energy. With Special Charge STS 105, you can recycle this energy from your discard pile.
9- Lugia (Sword/Shield: Celebrations)

Its first attack, Aero Ball, deals 20 damage for each energy attached to both active Pokémon.
With the Lugia VSTAR SIT 139 + 2 Archeops SIT 147 combo, you can move four special energies to Lugia CEL 22, and thus have at least four energies for its attack. As each energy equals 20 damage according to its effect, and each Powerful Colorless Energy DAA 176 deals an extra 20 damage, you'll deal 40 damage for each energy. This means your Lugia CEL 22 can deal up to 160 damage at once!
You can also deal more damage with Powerful Colorless Energy DAA 176 if you use its second attack, Deep Crush, which deals 160 base damage. This means you'll be able to deal up to 240 damage with it!
8- Lugia (Sword/Shield: Vivid Voltage)

This is one of the best "baby" Lugia around because of its last attack, Wind Pressure, which only works if your opponent has 6 or more cards in their hand. If they have 5 or less cards in their hand, this attack won't deal any damage.
In Expanded, there are strategies that encourage your opponent to draw more cards so you can deal 250 damage with this Lugia, which is a lot! As many players prefer to draw cards and have many of them in hand so they can play more strategies, this attack puts your opponent in a very difficult position.
Furthermore, just like before, you can also boost Lugia VIV 132 with the Lugia VSTAR SIT 139 + 2 Archeops SIT 147 combo. This way, you can deal up to 330 damage, which is enough to knock out many powerful Pokémon in Expanded.
7- Lugia "LEGEND" (Heart Gold/Soul Silver: Base Set)

This Lugia from the Heart Gold/Soul Silver block showed up alongside Ho-Oh "LEGEND". They were both one of the first cards released with the "Exodia" mechanic - to play them, you need to combine its two halves.
Its main attack is a tribute to its Ruby/Sapphire: Unseen Forces predecessor, Lugia ex UF 105. Its attack costs the same number of energies and deals 200 damage, which was considered a lot for the time. However, you'll need many energies of different types to use this attack, and you'll have to rely on its ability, Ocean Grow. It lets you look at the top five cards in your deck and attach all the basic energies you find there to Lugia "LEGEND", then, you have to discard all other cards.
Playing this card was challenging because, besides its complex energy cost, its ability could fail and not get you any energies. You also had to combine its two halves to play it, so, even with Legend Box UD 75, this card was a challenge.
6- Lugia ex (Ruby/Sapphire: Unseen Forces)

This Lugia was the first "Lugia ex" ever released, as well as a tribute to the first Lugia ever released in Pokémon TCG, Lugia N1 9, from the Wizards of the Coast set Neo Genesis.
Its attack cost something similar to Lugia N1 9's attack, (F)(W)(L), and forced you to discard all three of them after you attacked. Its ability, Silver Sparkle, returns one energy on the opponent's active Pokémon to their hand if you hit "heads" on your coin toss. This was a great way to disrupt their energy setup.
In the Ruby/Sapphire era, Lugia ex UF 105 was even stronger, particularly with Blastoise ex RG 104. This combo, which was called (, was played by Japanese player Hiroki Yano, who won the junior category at the Pokémon World Championship in 2006!

5- Lugia-EX "Plasma" (Black/White: Plasma Storm)

This Lugia-EX saw a lot of play in the "Plasma" archetype in the Black/White meta, and sees some play to this day in Expanded. We have an article here at Cards Realm centered around Lugia-EX PLS 108, Lugia VSTAR SIT 139, and Archeops SIT 147. With them, you'll get four Powerful Colorless Energy DAA 176, besides Plasma Energy PLS 127, and attach them to your Pokémon. Check it out!
The most critical detail is that its ability, Overflow, draws you one extra Prize card when you knock out an enemy Pokémon with its attack, Plasma Gale. You'll need Plasma Energy to use this attack, and, with Powerful Colorless Energy DAA 176, you'll deal 200 damage, instead of 120!*
4- Lugia-EX (X/Y: Ancient Origins)

This Lugia-EX is quite versatile. Its first attack, Aero Ball, deals 20 damage for each energy attached to both players' active Pokémon. It is similar to the Lugia VSTAR SIT 139 Archeops SIT 147 combo, which uses Powerful Colorless Energy* to deal even more damage.
As for its second attack, Deep Hurricane, it is useful to remove unwanted stadiums from play. With the Lugia VSTAR SIT 139 combo and four Powerful Colorless Energy DAA 176, you can deal up to 210 damage if there is a stadium in play you want to discard.
3- Lugia ex (Scarlet/Violet: Start Deck Generations Special Battle Set)

Soon available in Japan, this Lugia ex will represent Johto in the Starter Deck Generations set. You can check out more details about this here.
Its true potential is in Expanded. Its main attack deals 140 damage, and lets you toss coins until you get "tails". For each "heads" you get, you'll discard one energy attached to the opponent's active Pokémon. You can manipulate your coin tosses with Glimwood Tangle DAA 162 or Trick Coin PHF 108. Furthermore, with the Lugia VSTAR SIT 139 combo and four Powerful Colorless Energy DAA 176, you'll deal 220 damage!
2- Lugia-GX (Sun/Moon: Lost Thunder)

In our second place, we have Lugia-GX from the Sun/Moon block, which stands out because of its GX attack, Lost Purge. It sends the opponent's active Pokémon to the Lost Zone.
In Expanded, the synergy between this Pokémon and Sword/Shield's Lost Origin set makes it an excellent tech alongside Giratina VSTAR LOR 131.
1- Lugia V & Lugia VStar (Sword/Shield: Silver Tempest)
Our first place goes to these iconic cards from Silver Tempest. Each one plays a different role:

Lugia V's first attack lets you draw three cards if you discard one card from your hand. Its second attack deals 130 damage and removes a stadium from play. It costs four colorless energies (C)(C)(C)(C).

This is its upgraded form, Lugia VStar. Its main attack deals 220 damage and also discards a stadium from play.
Its VStar ability, Summoning Star, lets you get any colorless Pokémon without a "Rule Box" from your discard pile and put it on your bench. This means it has a synergy with Archeops SIT 147, whose ability, Primal Turbo, lets you get two special energies from your deck and attach them to your Pokémon.
In Standard, it is quite powerful, but let's see what it does in Expanded. With four copies of Powerful Colorless Energy DAA 176, you'll deal an extra 80 damage. This means you'll deal 300 damage with a single blow, and you'll also get to discard an enemy stadium in play.
If your opponent uses a Pokémon with Amnesia to limit Tempest Drive, you can still use Memory Energy LOT 194 from the Lost Thunder set. It lets you use attacks from previous evolutions, so you can use Aero Dive and play around this card.
Furthermore, these Lugia are quite recursive and fit many decks that rely on special energies. They're essential "staples" in Expanded.
Final Words
What did you think of our list? What would your "Top 10 Best Lugia" list look like? Tell us your thoughts in our comment section below.
Thank you for reading, and see you next time!
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