Today, we'll show you the top 10 strongest and most interesting Feraligatr in the history of Pokémon TCG, considering cards since the Wizards of the Coast era until today.
This is one of the three Johto starters, and represents the Water archetype!
Top 10 Best Feraligatr of All Time
10 - Feraligatr (Sword/Shield: Fusion Strike)

This is a reprint of Feraligatr N1 4. Its ability, Rowdy, is a bit risky: you'll have to toss a coin, and, if you get "heads", you'll force your opponent to discard the top 5 cards in their deck. If it's "tails", you'll be forced to discard the top 5 cards in your deck.
9 - Dark Feraligatr (Wizards of the Coast Era: Neo Destiny)

This Pokémon's ability, Scare, was a nightmare for "baby" Pokémon at the time, like Pichu, Cleffa, Elekid, Magby, Smoochum, Tyrogue, and Igglybuff. They all have special rules that state "if this Baby Pokémon is your Active Pokémon and your opponent announces an attack, your opponent flips a coin (before doing anything else). If tails, your opponent's turn ends."

Dark Feraligatr N4 5's ability cancels all of these effects.
As for its attack, it was easy to set up if you used it with Blastoise BS 2's "Rain Dance". Besides this, Crushing Blow also discards one of your opponent's energies if you hit your coin toss.
8 - Feraligatr (e-Cards Series: Expedition)

What's cool about this Feraligatr is its ability, Major Tsunami: if your opponent has any Pokémon on their bench, they'll be forced to swap it with their active Pokémon, and you'll have to do the same. As you can imagine, there are many creative ways to use this ability, such as for surprise attacks, or to knock out a few specific Pokémon.
As for its attack, Rending Jaws, your opponent needs to have any damage counters if you want to deal 70 damage. Otherwise, this attack will only deal 40 damage.
7 - Feraligatr (Diamond/Pearl: Mysterious Treasures)

Its first attack checks how many energies you have in hand to deal damage: it deals 20 damage for each energy, but you'll have to show them to your opponent.
As for its second attack, it sabotages your opponent's hand: besides dealing 60 base damage, you get to choose one random card in your opponent's hand to discard.
6 - Feraligatr (Sun/Moon: Dragon Majesty)

This is a Feraligatr N1 5 reprint. Its attack, Riptide, deals damage according to how many Basic Water Energy sv2 279 you have in your discard pile. It deals 10 base damage + 20 damage for each energy.
To discard these energies, you can use this Pokémon's own ability, Downpour, which, once in your turn, lets you discard one Basic Water Energy sv2 279. There are also many Trainer cards that help you with this, like Battle Compressor Team Flare Gear PHF 92, Ultra Ball BRS 150, and many others.
5 - Feraligatr (X/Y: Phantom Forces)

Its first attack, Hyper Whirlpool, deals a lot of damage if you hit your coin tosses - for each "head" you hit, you'll deal 60 extra damage. To manipulate your results, you can use Trick Coin PHF 108 and Glimwood Tangle DAA 162.
Second Strike deals 80 damage, guaranteed, but, if your opponent has any damage counters, it will deal an extra 80 damage, which is, in total, 160 damage!
4 - Feraligatr (Ruby/Sapphire: Unseen Forces)

This Feraligatr was, at its time, the "best baby Pokémon" ever printed (before we got its Scarlet/Violet version), for the following reasons:
- Its ability, Intimidating Fang, protects it, as it reduces the power of enemy attacks by 10, before applying weakness and resistance.
- Its attack, Pull Away, is a sabotage strategy: if your opponent has 5 or more cards in hand, they'll be forced to get rid of all their cards, until they only have 4 cards left.
- As for its second attack, Tonnage, you can either deal 50 or 80 damage with it, but you'll have to deal 30 damage to Feraligatr if you want to deal more damage, as a "recoil effect".
3 - Feraligatr (Scarlet/Violet: Temporal Forces)

This card also got a pre-release version, with a different artwork:

This is the most aggressive "baby" Feraligatr ever printed. Its ability, Torrential Heart, lets you add 5 damage counters to it to deal 120 damage with its attacks. This means its main attack, Giant Wave, can deal up to 280 damage!
It was released in the Temporal Forces set, in the Scarlet/Violet block, and it is incredibly viable in Standard. If you want to see more about it, just click here.
2 - Feraligatr "Prime" (Heart Gold/Soul Silver: Base Set)

In our second spot, we have Feraligatr "Prime", from Heart Gold/Soul Silver, whose ability has the same concept as Blastoise BS 2's "Rain Dance". It lets you attach any Basic Water Energy sv2 279 in your hand to your Pokémon in play in any way you'd like.
Its attack is how you'll get the most out of its ability: it costs a lot of energies, but, for each damage counter on the enemy Pokémon, you'll deal 10 extra damage, besides the 60 base damage.
In Legacy, where you can play cards from Heart Gold/Soul Silver until Black/White, you can use Superior Energy Retrieval PLF 103, which is great with this Pokémon to get these water energies back.
1 - Feraligatr ex (Ruby/Sapphire: Unseen Forces)

Our first place is once again a Pokémon from the wonderful Unseen Forces set, Feraligatr ex UF 103, which is extremely aggressive - like any great croc!
Its ability, Overpowering Fang, states that, if Feraligatr is your active Pokémon, any "baby" Pokémon in play can't use abilities (Poké-Powers and Poké-Bodies), except Pokémon ex.
And then we have its attacks, which are also excellent.
Final Words
What did you think of our list? What would your list of the top 10 best Feraligatr look like? Tell us your thoughts in the comment section below.
Thank you for reading! See you next time!
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