吉欧尼的阴谋, 训练家 - 支持者, 设计者 Ken Sugimori 首次发布于 May, 2022 在编辑中 BREAKthrough. 目前以最低价出售 ¥ 22.15.
一个侧重于快节奏侵略并依赖于快速造成高伤害的牌组在《宝可梦卡牌游戏》中会受益于 Giovanni's Scheme BKT 162。然而,其他支持者卡片,如Professor's Research或Boss's Orders,在各种情况下可能更具多功能性和影响力,使它们成为竞技游戏中更好的选择。Giovanni's Scheme仍然可以在特定牌组中发挥作用,这些牌组优先考虑伤害输出而不是卡牌优势,但与其他更具多功能性的支持者卡片相比,它的使用可能会受到限制。
Choose 1: • Draw cards until you have 5 cards in your hand. • During this turn, your Pokémon's attacks do 20 more damage to your opponent's Active Pokémon (before applying Weakness and Resistance).
You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn (before your attack).
Choose 1: Draw cards until you have 5 cards in your hand, or during this turn, your Pokémon's attacks do 20 more damage to your opponent's Active Pokémon (before applying Weakness and Resistance).
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