宝可梦公园AQ 131, 训练家 - 球场, 设计者 Kazuo Yazawa 首次发布于 May, 2022 在编辑中 Aquapolis. 目前以最低价出售 ¥ 13.81.
一个专注于为多个替补宝可梦设置能量附件的牌组将受益于使用宝可梦公园AQ 131。这张卡片可以通过每回合移除伤害计数器来帮助维持这些替补宝可梦的健康。然而,有更好的体育场卡可供选择,提供更多多样化或更强大的效果,比如天空竞技场或惩罚神殿,这些卡片可以提供更大的战略优势。总的来说,虽然宝可梦公园AQ 131有其特定用途,但与其他体育场卡相比,在竞技比赛中可能并非最佳选择。
Once during each of his or her turns, whenever a player attaches an Energy card from his or her hand to 1 of his or her Benched Pokémon, he or she removes 1 damage counter, if any, from that Pokémon.
This card stays in play when you play it. Discard this card if another Stadium card comes into play.
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