危险能量 AOR 82, 能量 - 特殊, 设计者 5ban Graphics 首次发布于 May, 2022 在编辑中 Ancient Origins. 目前以最低价出售 ¥ 0.43.
这张危险能量AOR 82卡牌将有利于一个以暗属性宝可梦为重点的牌组,尤其是对付那些严重依赖宝可梦-EX的牌组。虽然这张卡牌通过对对手的宝可梦-EX造成伤害计数来提供独特优势,但根据牌组的具体策略,可能会有更好的选择。玩家在决定是否使用这张卡牌之前,应考虑牌组的整体协同性和有效性。
(If this card is attached to anything other than a Darkness Pokémon, discard this card.)
This card can only be attached to Darkness Pokémon. This card provides Darkness Energy only while this card is attached to a Darkness Pokémon.
Whenever the Darkness Pokémon this card is attached to is your Active Pokémon and is damaged by an attack from your opponent's Pokémon-EX (even if that Pokémon is Knocked Out), put 2 damage counters on the Attacking Pokémon-EX.
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