Pokemon TCG


Pokémon Products: Happy Meal - September 2023

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Follow the launch of the Mc Donald's promotion for the month of September, bringing Scarlet & Violet cards.

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traduzido por Cards Realm

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revisado por Tabata Marques

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  1. > About Happy Meal's Set
    1. Review by "Vivian’s Collection" channel
    2. Review by "Mom and More Reviews" channel
  2. > Card information
    1. Promo Cards
    2. Price value

About Happy Meal's Set

In Canada, United States and Great Britain, the Mc Donald's promotion began on 09/15/2023 with the Match Battle promotion (from Happy Meal), with cards from the Scarlet & Violet set.

Review by "Vivian’s Collection" channel

Review by "Mom and More Reviews" channel

Card information

The set will have 15 cards, six of which will have a different holographic effect (foil effect) exclusive to Mc Donald's (traditionally), which will be these Pokémon: Pikachu, Sprigatito, Fuecoco, Quaxly, Cetitan and Klawf.


Promo Cards

All cards will be based on the Scarlet & Violet set, and are common cards - they are not that good competitively, but they are very interesting for collectors!

The cards are:

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In addition to the cards, it comes in a kit with a simple cardboard box with simple accessories and a cardboard coin. Check it out below:

Image content of the Website

Image content of the Website

Image content of the Website

Price value

Source: Card Market, using the euro exchange rate
Source: Card Market, using the euro exchange rate

The highest value card will be the Pikachu sv2 62, which costs around €2.80 (converting from euro to dollars is around US$2.98).

*It is worth remembering that the promotion has a confirmed deadline of 10/16/2023!