Holon's Magneton DS 22, 神奇宝贝 - 一级 Pokémon, 设计者 Katsura Tabata 首次发布于 May, 2022 在编辑中 Delta Species. 目前以最低价出售 ¥ 12.10.
这张霍隆的三合一磁怪DS 22卡对于一个专注于利用宝可梦-EX的牌组会很有帮助,因为它可以对它们造成额外的伤害。然而,可能会有更好的选择,比如具有更多用途的能力或更高伤害输出的卡片。这张卡是否应该上场取决于牌组内的具体策略和协同效应,以及游戏当前的元气。
You may attach this as an Energy card from your hand to 1 of your Pokémon that already has an Energy card attached to it. When you attach this card, return an Energy card attached to that Pokémon to your hand. While attached, this card is a Special Energy card and provides every type of Energy but 2 Energy at a time. (Has no effect other than providing Energy.)
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