惊喜!时间机器 TRR 91, 火箭队的秘密机器, 设计者 Katsura Tabata 首次发布于 May, 2022 在编辑中 Team Rocket Returns. 目前以最低价出售 3.57.
这个时光机 TRR 91 牌在一个专注于快速和高效进化宝可梦的牌组中可能会很有益处,允许进行战略性的退化和进化,以优化你的阵容。然而,在竞技环境中,像稀有糖果这样的其他卡牌可能更具多功能性和可靠性,使得时光机 TRR 91 更不可能在顶级牌组中出现。
Choose 1 of your Evolved Pokémon, remove the highest Stage Evolution card from it, and shuffle it into your deck (this counts as devolving that Pokémon). If that Pokémon remains in play, search your deck for an Evolution card that evolves from that Pokémon and put it onto that Pokémon (this counts as evolving that Pokémon). Shuffle your deck afterward.
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