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Standard Deck Tech: Chien-Pao ex

Standard Deck Tech: Chien-Pao ex

Rodrigo William

Keep up with the Chien Pao ex deck, with its freezing strength, with which you'll use the resource o...

Standard Chien-Pao Treasure of Ruin

Expanded Deck Tech: Lapras VMax

Expanded Deck Tech: Lapras VMax

Rodrigo William

Follow the Lapras VMax deck that takes advantage of Blastoise's "Deluge" ability to accumulate as mu...

Expanded Lapras Deck Guide

Standard Deck Tech: Duraludon VMax + Umbreon VMax - Columbus International

Standard Deck Tech: Duraludon VMax + Umbreon VMax - Columbus International

Rodrigo William

Meet the deck that came second in the last International of this first semester. Ian Robb showed the...

Duraludon Umbreon Columbus Deck Guide

Expanded Deck Tech: Copperajah VMax - Resistance Strategy

Expanded Deck Tech: Copperajah VMax - Resistance Strategy

Rodrigo William

Follow the metallic elephant of the Galar region, as a well-forgotten card, for a well-optimized ver...

Copperajah Expanded Deck Guide

Standard Deck Tech: Banette ex+ Mimikyu VMax

Standard Deck Tech: Banette ex+ Mimikyu VMax

Rodrigo William

Check out this strategy for damage per amount of Trainer in the opponent's hand with Banette ex's Po...

Standard Banette Mimikyu Deck Guide

Standard Deck Tech: Inteleon VMax + Urshifu VMax - Columbus International

Standard Deck Tech: Inteleon VMax + Urshifu VMax - Columbus International

Rodrigo William

Meet the champion deck of the 2023.1 International, in Columbus, Ohio (USA), with the stardom of the...

International Urchifu Inteleon Deck Guide

Expanded Deck Tech: Corviknight VMax - Cure & Tanker Strategy

Expanded Deck Tech: Corviknight VMax - Cure & Tanker Strategy

Rodrigo William

Follow the Corviknight VMax deck with the strategy of taking damage from the opponent while healing ...

Corvinight Deck Guide Expanded

Expanded Deck Tech: Togekiss VMax - Tanker & Healer

Expanded Deck Tech: Togekiss VMax - Tanker & Healer

Rodrigo William

Meet the Togekiss VMax deck, a Pokémon with excellent HP, free retreat, and low cost of energy to de...

PokémonTCG Expanded Togekiss VMax

Expanded Deck Tech: Snorlax VMax

Expanded Deck Tech: Snorlax VMax

Rodrigo William

Meet the Snorlax VMax deck, one of the first Pokémon that received the VMax rarity! We will take adv...

Pokémon Expanded Snorlax

Expanded Deck Tech: Kecleon (Rapid Strike) - Effective and Versatile!

Expanded Deck Tech: Kecleon (Rapid Strike) - Effective and Versatile!

Rodrigo William

This basic Pokémon has a simple proposal: with its ability, it can use the typing of the basic energ...

PokémonTCG Expanded Kecleon

Expanded Deck Tech: Primal Groudon-EX (Stall Control)

Expanded Deck Tech: Primal Groudon-EX (Stall Control)

Rodrigo William

Meet the Primal Groudon-EX deck from X/Y: Primal Clash with a control theme in the "stall" tactic, t...

PokémonTCG Primal Groudon Deck Guide

Expanded Deck Tech: Coalossal VMax 2-Versions: Turbo Energy & Colossal Fortress

Expanded Deck Tech: Coalossal VMax 2-Versions: Turbo Energy & Colossal Fortress

Rodrigo William

Discover two variations of the Coalossal VMax deck for Expanded. One version is more defensive and t...

Coalassal VMax Deck Guide

Expanded Deck Tech: Rowlet + Alolan Exeggutor TT-GX + Vileplume (Control Lock)

Expanded Deck Tech: Rowlet + Alolan Exeggutor TT-GX + Vileplume (Control Lock)

Rodrigo William

Meet this deck capable of blocking your opponents' items and basic Pokémon, with the combination of ...

PokémonTCG Vileplume Lock Control

Expanded Deck Tech: Dracozolt VMax - Damage Counter

Expanded Deck Tech: Dracozolt VMax - Damage Counter

Rodrigo William

Get to know the Dracozolt VMax deck, where it has the role of using counterattack of damage received...

PokémonTCG Counter Dracozolt

Standard Deck Tech: Arceus VStar + Giratina VStar - Portland Regionals

Standard Deck Tech: Arceus VStar + Giratina VStar - Portland Regionals

Rodrigo William

Discover the deck of Canadian champion Landen Kaetler, who participated in the Portland Regional in ...

PokémonTCG Portland Champion

Expanded Deck Tech: Kanto Birds Tag Team (Moltres, Zapdos & Articuno)

Expanded Deck Tech: Kanto Birds Tag Team (Moltres, Zapdos & Articuno)

Rodrigo William

We revisited the birds of Kanto, which having a good amount of HP, it has a great attack value and a...

PokémonTCG Kanto Birds Expanded

Standard Deck Tech: Control Box (Mimikyu V + Calyrex V) - International London

Standard Deck Tech: Control Box (Mimikyu V + Calyrex V) - International London

Rodrigo William

Get to know the control deck of the specialist of this archetype, the player Sander Wojcik, who even...

PokémonTCG Control Box International London

Standard Deck Tech: Dondozo & Tatsugiri - Quick Raw Power!

Standard Deck Tech: Dondozo & Tatsugiri - Quick Raw Power!

Rodrigo William

Discover one of Standard's cheapest and most accessible decks in Scarlet & Violet. Being a "single p...

PokémonTCG Dondozo Tatsugiri

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