EXP.ALL RG 91, 训练师 - 神奇宝贝工具, 设计者 Keiji Kinebuchi 首次发布于 May, 2022 在编辑中 FireRed & LeafGreen. 目前以最低价出售 ¥ 0.64.
经验值。 ALL 卡在专注于在多个神奇宝贝之间分散能量的套牌中特别有用,例如那些利用群体策略或具有多个基本神奇宝贝的套牌,因为它允许在被击倒的神奇宝贝上转移能量,从而维持能源资源。然而,与 Energy Recycler 或 Welder 等卡相比,它可能不是最具竞争力的选择,后者提供更一致的能量回收或加速,且没有丢弃工具的风险。鉴于不断发展的元数据和更强大的能源管理选项的盛行,EXP。 ALL 的竞技形式可能会受到限制,主要吸引休闲玩家或特定的利基策略。
Attach EXP. ALL to 1 of your Pokémon (excluding Pokémon-ex and Pokémon that has an owner in its name) that doesn't already have a Pokémon Tool attached to it. If that Pokémon is Knocked Out, discard this card.
During your opponent's turn, if 1 of your Active Pokémon is Knocked Out by your opponent's attack, you may take 1 basic Energy card attached to that Knocked Out Pokémon and attach it to the Pokémon with EXP.ALL attached to it. If you do, discard EXP.ALL.
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