League of Legends


Jungle Quiz: Which champion fits you the most?

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Answer some questions and find out which is the best champion for you to Jungle in League of Legends.

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traduzido por Joey Sticks

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revisado por Tabata Marques

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League of Legends has many diverse lanes to play, and one of them (and maybe the most important one) is Jungle. This lane has as its objectives to guarantee map vision, collect jungle resources, gank, which opens up advantage in other lanes, and guarantee Dragon, Baron and Herald buffs to your team.

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It really isn't an easy task, and that's why not just any champion can jungle. So, find out here which champion to play Jungle with which fits you most, both in playability and personality!


Which of these skin lines is your favorite?

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Pool PartyCorrect symbol

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ProjectCorrect symbol

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Star GuardianCorrect symbol

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Dark StarCorrect symbol

Which of these do you consider a hobby of yours?

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ReadingCorrect symbol

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DrawingCorrect symbol

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Listening to musicCorrect symbol

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Playing (League, OF COURSE!)Correct symbol

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Which of these dragons would rather have spawning in your matches?

Cloud Drake (Grants Movement Speed)Correct symbol

Infernal Drake (Grants damage)Correct symbol

Mountain Drake (Grants armor and magic resistance)Correct symbol

Ocean Drake (Grants healing)Correct symbol

Which is your favorite region?

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IoniaCorrect symbol

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NoxusCorrect symbol

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FreljordCorrect symbol

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Shadow IslesCorrect symbol

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In a team fight (fights between both teams), you...

Help your allies as much as you can, so that everyone in your team can get out alive and all the enemies are slain.Correct symbol

You're behind in the backline, dealing as much damage as possible, because you need to guarantee a kill.Correct symbol

You're in the frontline, tanking damage so that your allies can deal damage.Correct symbol

You're farming in the jungle, after all, each player for themselves.Correct symbol

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Which of these adjectives fits you the most?

PatientCorrect symbol

ImpulsiveCorrect symbol

ExtrovertedCorrect symbol

NervousCorrect symbol

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In a League of Legends match, what is most important to you?

That me and my teammates win, no matter how.Correct symbol

That I'm better than the enemy jungler.Correct symbol

That I can achieve all my goals and that my team has good map vision.Correct symbol

That I am the best in the whole game, with most objectives guaranteed and biggest KDA.Correct symbol

Which of these jungle animals is your favorite?

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KrugsCorrect symbol

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Murk WolvesCorrect symbol

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GrompCorrect symbol

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Rift ScuttlerCorrect symbol

Which of these champions would you prefer as your ENEMY jungler?

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ShacoCorrect symbol

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SejuaniCorrect symbol

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Master YiCorrect symbol

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NocturneCorrect symbol

Which of these game modes in League are your favorite to play?

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Aram (Howling Abyss)Correct symbol

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Draft Pick (Summoner's Rift)Correct symbol

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Blind Pick (Summoner's Rift)Correct symbol

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Ranked (Summoner's Rift)Correct symbol
