巨型树桩 LM 75, 教练员 - 体育场, 设计者 Ryo Ueda 首次发布于 May, 2022 在编辑中 Legend Maker. 目前以最低价出售 ¥ 2.25.
受益于使用巨型树桩 LM 75 的套牌是依赖于少量强大神奇宝贝的套牌,因为它限制每个玩家只能使用三只后备神奇宝贝,这可能会扰乱使用宽板凳策略的对手。这张卡对于那些专注于设置多个神奇宝贝以实现协同作用或能量加速的套牌特别有效,因为它迫使他们丢弃多余的神奇宝贝。然而,还有其他体育场卡,例如通往巅峰之路,可以通过关闭能力来提供更多战略优势,这可能会更有利,具体取决于当前的元数据。总体而言,巨人树桩可以在特定场景中发挥作用,尤其是在控制对局方面,但其有效性可能会根据套牌组成和所面对的对手而有所不同。
Each player can't have more than 3 Benched Pokémon.
This card stays in play when you play it. Discard this card if another Stadium card comes into play. If another card with the same name is in play, you can't play this card.
When Giant Stump comes into play, each player discards Benched Pokémon and any cards attached to them until he or she has 3 Benched Pokémon. (You discard your Pokémon first.)
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