未来助推能量胶囊TEF 149, 训练师 - 神奇宝贝工具未来, 设计者 5ban Graphics 首次发布于 Mar, 2024 在编辑中 Temporal Forces.
这张未来助推能量胶囊TEF 149卡牌将极大地有利于专注于进攻风格的牌组,比如围绕快速、强力打击的宝可梦牌组。虽然这张卡牌提供了诸如消除撤退成本和增加伤害输出等宝贵的好处,但其他卡牌如选择带可能会提供更一致的伤害增加。然而,未来助推能量胶囊TEF 149仍然可能在寻求利用其独特效果和战略优势的牌组中发挥作用。
You may attach any number of Pokémon Tools to your Pokémon during your turn. You may attach only 1 Pokémon Tool to each Pokémon, and it stays attached.
The Future Pokémon this card is attached to has no Retreat Cost, and the attacks it uses do 20 more damage to your opponent's Active Pokémon (before applying Weakness and Resistance).
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