莉莉的玩偶宝可梦 CEC 267, 训练师 - 道具, 设计者 Studio Bora Inc. 首次发布于 May, 2022 在编辑中 Cosmic Eclipse. 目前以最低价出售 ¥ 64.40.
这张莉莉的玩偶CEC 267卡在阻滞或干扰套牌策略中可能会有益处,因为它为对手提供了一个非奖励卡的目标。然而,还有更好的选择,比如提供类似效果但在投入游戏时可以搜索训练师卡的提拉基TEU 99。最终,尽管莉莉的玩偶可能有一些特定用途,但与其他选择相比,它可能不是竞技游戏中最优选项。
Play this card as if it were a 30-HP Colorless Basic Pokémon. At any time during your turn (before your attack), if this Pokémon is your Active Pokémon, you may discard all cards from it and put it on the bottom of your deck.
This card can't retreat. If this card is Knocked Out, your opponent can't take any Prize cards for it.
You may play as many Item cards as you like during your turn (before your attack).
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