泰姆 SSP 190, 培训师-支持者, 设计者 Konami 首次发布于 Nov, 2024 在编辑中 Surging Sparks.
Tyme SSP 190 训练师卡可以使专注于手部操作和卡牌优势的套牌受益,特别是那些可以利用抽取额外卡牌的套牌,例如依赖特定神奇宝贝来执行其策略的控制或组合套牌。虽然它提供了独特的机制,但其他支持者卡(例如教授的研究或玛妮)可能会提供更一致的牵引力和破坏力,使它们在竞争性游戏中通常更有效。然而,如果套牌能够利用猜测机制获得战略优势,同时保持神奇宝贝的多样化,那么 Tyme SSP 190 可能会看到小众玩法,特别是在休闲格式中或作为主题套牌的有趣补充。
You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn.
Tell your opponent the name of a Pokémon in your hand and put that Pokémon face down in front of you. Your opponent guesses that Pokémon's HP, and then you reveal it. If your opponent guessed right, they draw 4 cards. If they guessed wrong, you draw 4 cards. Then, return the Pokémon to your hand.
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