Counter Energy 反击能量, 能量 - 特殊, 设计者 Konami 首次发布于 May, 2022 在编辑中 Crimson Invasion. 目前以最低价出售 0.19.
一个旨在控制奖品卡数量的卡组,比如阻滞或干扰卡组,将受益于使用逆境能量 CIN 100。然而,像彩虹能量这样提供更多能量类型和数量灵活性的选择更好。逆境能量可能在专注于操纵奖品卡数量的特定卡组策略中看到局部使用,但总体而言,它可能不是大多数竞技卡组的首选。
If you have more Prize cards remaining than your opponent, and if this card is attached to a Pokémon that isn't a Pokémon-GX or Pokémon-EX, this card provides every type of Energy but provides only 2 Energy at a time.
This card provides Colorless Energy.
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