奢华斗篷 sv4 166, 训练师 - 神奇宝贝道具, 设计者 Toyste Beach 首次发布于 Nov, 2023 在编辑中 Paradox Rift. 见游戏 1 格式: Standard.
这件豪华披风sv4 166卡牌将有利于专注于拥有高HP且没有规则框的坦克型宝可梦的牌组,使它们能够承受更多伤害,并在被击倒时潜在地惩罚对手,获取额外的奖品卡。然而,在竞技比赛中,可能会有更好的选择,如增强垫或大魅力,它们提供更一致的HP提升,而不带有额外的奖品卡缺点,使得豪华披风sv4 166在顶级牌组中的使用情况较为局限,不太可能在顶级牌组中出现。
If the Pokémon this card is attached to doesn't have a Rule Box, it gets +100 HP, and if it is Knocked Out by damage from an attack from your opponent's Pokémon, that player takes 1 more Prize card. (Pokémon ex, Pokémon V, etc. have Rule Boxes.)
You may attach any number of Pokémon Tools to your Pokémon during your turn. You may attach only 1 Pokémon Tool to each Pokémon, and it stays attached.
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