挑战!TR 74, 训练师, 设计者 Kagemaru Himeno 首次发布于 May, 2022 在编辑中 Team Rocket.
这张卡片,TR 74,可以为专注于快速建立强大基础宝可梦替补的牌组带来好处,特别是在一个设置多个宝可梦效率至关重要的格式中。然而,在大多数竞技场景中,由于它依赖于对手的接受以及更一致和可靠的设置选项,这张卡片可能不会被广泛使用,比如快速球或其他搜索卡等更好的卡片。
Ask your opponent if he or she accepts your challenge. If your opponent declines (or if both Benches are full), draw 2 cards. If your opponent accepts, each of you searches your decks for any number of Basic Pokémon cards and puts them face down onto your Benches. (A player can't do this if his or her Bench is full.) When you both have finished, shuffle your decks and turn those cards face up.
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