冒牌博士橡树的发明 N4 94, Trainer 训练师, 设计者 Ken Sugimori 首次发布于 May, 2022 在编辑中 Neo Destiny.
这张卡牌,冒牌者研究员橡树的发明 N4 94,适合控制或干扰牌组,通过操纵对手的奖品卡来打乱对手的策略。然而,在宝可梦卡牌游戏中有更好的卡牌,提供更一致的干扰或卡牌优势,比如 N 或复位印章。虽然这张卡牌可能会在特定情况下发挥作用,但由于依赖于对手的奖品卡,并且存在反作用的可能性,它可能不是竞技牌组的首选。
Look at your opponent's Prize cards. You may have your opponent shuffle them into his or her deck. If you do, your opponent takes that many cards from the top of his or her deck and sets them aside as his or her new Prize cards (without looking at them).
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