火箭队的爪牙 G1 113, 训练师, 设计者 Ken Sugimori 首次发布于 May, 2022 在编辑中 Gym Heroes.
这张火箭队的手下 G1 113号卡牌可能对一个以干扰为基础的套牌有好处,该套牌旨在通过将对手的替补神奇宝贝和附加牌退回到他们的手中来干扰对手的战略。然而,由于依赖硬币翻转以及如果翻转为反面则结束你的回合的潜在缺点,它可能不是最可靠的选择。像古斯马或莉姿安德这样的其他卡牌可以允许有针对性地切换神奇宝贝,而无需进行硬币翻转,在竞技游戏中可能更一致和有效。
Flip 2 coins. If both of them are heads, choose 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon and return it and all cards attached to it to his or her hand. If 1 or both of them are tails, your turn ends immediately (you can't attack this turn).
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