巨木森林 AOR 74, 训练家 - 球场, 设计者 Ryo Ueda 首次发布于 May, 2022 在编辑中 Ancient Origins. 目前以最低价出售 ¥ 0.97.
一个以快速进化宝可梦为重点的草属性牌组将受益于使用《巨树之森》AOR 74,因为它允许在第一回合快速进化。然而,该卡牌的限制是如果播放另一个竞技场卡牌或者另一张同名卡牌在场上,则会被丢弃。在某些情况下,玩家可能会选择像《翠绿森林》TEU 156这样的替代竞技场卡牌,它提供牌组稀释的好处,或者《电厂》UNB 183,它关闭某些宝可梦-GX和宝可梦-EX的能力。最终,是否在牌组中包含《巨树之森》AOR 74的决定将取决于具体的策略以及与牌组中其他卡牌的协同作用。
Each player's Grass Pokémon can evolve during his or her first turn or the turn he or she plays those Pokémon.
This card stays in play when you play it. Discard this card if another Stadium card comes into play. If another card with the same name is in play, you can't play this card.
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