维吉尼森林 TEU 156, 训练家 - 道馆, 设计者 5ban Graphics 首次发布于 May, 2022 在编辑中 Team Up. 目前以最低价出售 ¥ 0.65.
一个依赖基础能量卡并围绕着快速强化其宝可梦的策略的牌组,将受益于包含《维尔庭森林》TEU 156。虽然《维尔庭森林》提供了一个稳定的方法来搜索基础能量卡,但其他类似《巨大熔炉》或《热力工厂》可能会更有效,因为它们具有额外效果或与特定宝可梦的协同作用。《维尔庭森林》是否应该出现取决于特定牌组的策略和能量需求,以及与牌组中其他卡牌的整体协同性。
Once during each player's turn, that player may discard a card from their hand. If they do, that player searches their deck for a basic Energy card, reveals it, and puts it into their hand. Then, that player shuffles their deck.
This card stays in play when you play it. Discard this card if another Stadium card comes into play. If another card with the same name is in play, you can't play this card.
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