Pokemon TCG
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Rodrigo William
Check out how Spidops ex became valuable with Venomoth's (from the 151 set) attack, which makes the ...
tcg Standard Control Item Lock Scarlet Vi
Check out Arbok ex, released in the "151" special sub set. The strategy consists in yanking cards ou...
tcg arbok kanto standard control
Meet the Primal Groudon-EX deck from X/Y: Primal Clash with a control theme in the "stall" tactic, t...
PokémonTCG Primal Groudon Deck Guide
Meet this deck capable of blocking your opponents' items and basic Pokémon, with the combination of ...
PokémonTCG Vileplume Lock Control
Get to know the control deck of the specialist of this archetype, the player Sander Wojcik, who even...
PokémonTCG Control Box International London
Get to know the Yveltal and Flying Pikachu VMax deck with a control archetype, build by Sander Wojci...
PokémonTCG Regional Liverpool Sander Control
Get to know one of the best Expanded Control decks, which will make your opponents mad! We have here...
PokémonTCG Ghost Control
This deck got notoriety due to its versatility with card draw and simultaneous charging which Shadow...
PokémonTCG Control AbilityLock Calyrex
Get to know this deck, which is quite versatile: it has massive and aggressive damage up to 330, bei...
Regidrago Control Sniper
Meet the Honchkrow-GX deck for the Expanded format with a Control Deck theme, featuring card enhance...
PokémonTCG Control Honchkrow
Meet the Mewtwo VUnion control deck that was in the top 8 in the German regional of 2022.2, by the p...
PokémonTCG Mewtwo Control
Discover the champion deck of the Stuttgart regional, in Germany, made by the Polish Mateusz Łaszkie...
Pokémon TCG Vikavolt V
Meet the Yveltal Control deck that was in the top 8 at the LAIC of 2022.2 in Brazil, built by Sande...
PokémonTCg LAIC Yveltal
Get to know a Gardevoir & Sylveon Tag Team deck build for the expanded format, with a Tanker game st...
Expanded PokemonTCG Fairy Type Control Han
Follow this wonderful deck that gained great prominence at the International USA championship in Jun...
Standard mewtwo V-Union Deck Guide