Pokemon TCG

Deck Guide

Expanded Deck Tech: Flaeron VMax

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Check out this Flareon VMax list that can deal up to 500 damage if you discard five energies from the top of your deck!

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Traduit par Joey

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revu par Joey

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  1. > Introduction
  2. > Flareon VMax
    1. Decklist
    2. The Structure
    3. Flareon V & Flareon VMax: The Main Attacker
    4. Volcanion: First Turn Setup
    5. Victini Prism Star: Energy Recycling
    6. Recursive Pokémon
    7. Trainers
  3. > Matchups
    1. Favorable
    2. Unfavorable
  4. > Final Words


Lately, we have been revisiting VMax eeveelutions, which are many times forgotten by the community. Our goal is to adapt them to the Expanded format and create a list for anyone who enjoys these Pokémon or just wants to have fun in this format.

Today, we'll show you how to play Flareon VMax in Expanded. Its main attack discards five cards from the top of your deck, and deals 100 points for each energy you discarded this way. This means you can deal up to 500 damage with it!

Flareon VMax



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The Structure

Flareon V & Flareon VMax: The Main Attacker

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Flareon V PR-SW SWSH149 plays a crucial role in this deck because of its attack, Flaming Breath, which attaches one Basic Fire Energy sv3 230 to it.

When you evolve it to Flareon VMAX EVS 18, you'll be able to use its attack, Max Detonate, which discards five cards from the top of your deck and deals 100 damage to each energy you discard this way. With a little bit of luck, you can deal up to 500 damage with it!

Volcanion: First Turn Setup

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Its attack, Flare Starter, is an essential opener for this deck. With it, if you're second to play on turn 1, you can attach up to three Basic Fire Energy sv3 230 to a Pokémon all at once.

So, whenever you can, start with a Volcanion and a Flareon V, and try to be second to play.

Early Game

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If you follow the strategy above, on turn 2, besides Volcanion UNB 25, you can use Adventurer's Discovery FST 224 to get three Flareon V PR-SW SWSH149 and set up your bench. Then, finish it up with Flare Starter.

Victini Prism Star: Energy Recycling

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Its attack, Infinity, deals 20 damage for each basic energy on your discard pile, and also returns all these energies to your deck, so it immediately recycles them.

Recursive Pokémon

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Tapu Lele-GX CEL 60 lets you get Supporters from your deck with its ability, Wonder Tag.

Mew ex sv3pt5 151 draws cards with its ability, Restart, and, as such, is essential.



Supporter to Set Up Pokémon V

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You should always use it to get all three Flareon V.

Supporter to Attach Energies

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Welder UNB 189a and Blacksmith FLF 88 both let you attach energies to your Pokémon, either directly from your hand or the discard pile.

Supporter to "Catch" Enemy Pokémon

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Item to Get Basic and Evolution Pokémon

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Item to Get Trainers

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Item to Recycle Supporters

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Item to Recycle Pokémon and Basic Energies

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Both cards above are critical, as they recycle basic Fire energies in your discard pile. However, the most important is Energy Recycler GRI 123 because its effect shuffles 5 energies back into your deck.


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Elemental Badge EVS 147 discounts the cost of your Flareon's attacks by one colorless energy.

As such, when you use Flareon VMax's attack, Max Detonate, with this tool, it will cost (F)(C) instead of (F)(C)(C).


Forest Seal Stone SIT 156's VStar ability lets you get any card from your deck.


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This card lets you get any card you want from your deck, but you'll have to discard two cards from your hand first.


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Both of these Stadiums draw cards, but they're slightly different:

► To use Heat Factory ◇ LOT 178, you'll have to discard one basic Fire energy. Then, you'll draw 3 cards.

► To use Scorched Earth PRC 138, in turn, you'll need to discard one basic Fire or Fighting energy. Then, you'll draw 2 cards.



This deck is excellent against Grass decks. Furthermore, it can also deal up to 500 damage, which is enough to knock out Pokémon like VMax, TAG TEAM-GX, and many more.


This deck is vulnerable to fast, powerful Water decks. It also struggles against "deck out" strategies and Pokémon that are immune to Pokémon V damage, like Mimikyu sv2 97 and Miltank ASR 126.

Finally, it can struggle against cards that disrupt your hand, like Roxanne and Marnie.

Final Words

Flareon VMax is challenging. You'll need to plan out every move carefully when you play it, so try to balance discarding cards and Energy Recycler GRI 123. That way, you'll remain consistent throughout the game.

This is the most complex Kanto eeveelution, but it is also the most satisfying for experienced players.

What did you think of this list? Tell us your thoughts in our comment section below.

Thank you for reading, and see you next time!