In this article, I'll cover the formats that exist within the Pokémon Trading Card Game - both official and unofficial formats.
Official Formats by The Pokémon Company

It is the format used for the biggest Pokémon competitions, be they IRL events or at authorized stores with the endorsement of the Pokémon Company, Regional, International or Worldwide. It is also the format with the largest number of digital competitions, such as the Limitless TCG and the Team Challenge, which use the Pokémon TCGO platform and, in the future, Pokémon TCG Live.
What characterizes Standard is that the cards in the deck must follow the rotation rules. That is, they will be legal for a certain time.
What a Standard deck should have?
► Every deck needs to have 60 cards.
►Basic Energy is unlimited, but other cards can only have a maximum of 4 copies with the same name.
► Regarding Pokémon, if this Pokémon has the same name, for example, Gardevoir, there can only be a maximum of 4 copies in the deck, even if it has, for example, 2 copies of Gardevoir SIT 69 and 2 copies of Gardevoir CRE 61.
Victory Conditions
► Draw all six prize cards.
► Defeat an opponent's Pokémon, and they don't have any on the bench to continue the game.
► If the opponent has no more cards in their deck.
Is there a ban list in this format?
There are almost none in this type of format, but it can rarely happen. There have been two cases where this has happened:
► In 2015, the card Lysandre's Trump Card PHF 99, in the X/Y block, was banned.
► In 2020, the cards Mismagius UNB 78 and Bellelba & Brycen-Man CEC 186 were banned due to the combos they made with strategies with “mill” decks (decks that deplete resources from the opponent, either from the hand or in the deck).

Expanded basically covers card expansions from 2011 to the present day. In short, you can take cards from the pack of Black & White to the recent releases of Scarlet & Violet(and future sets) to compose your deck.
What an Expanded deck should have?
► Every deck needs to have 60 cards.
►Basic Energy is unlimited, but other cards can only have a maximum of 4 copies with the same name.
► Regarding Pokémon, if this Pokémon has the same name, for example, Gardevoir, there can only be a maximum of 4 copies in the deck, even if it has, for example, 2 copies of Gardevoir SIT 69 and 2 copies of Gardevoir CRE 61; however, the naming Gardevoir ex is different because of the “ex”, so it can be added to the deck.
Victory Conditions
► Draw all six prize cards.
► Defeat an opponent's Pokémon, and they don't have any on the bench to continue the game.
► If the opponent doesn't have any cards in their deck.
Is there a ban list in this format?
Yes, and you can check this article the history of these cards and the reasons why they were banned.
Pokémon Cards
Trainer Cards
Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick PRC 133
Island Challenge Amulet CEC 194

It's a very unusual format in the community. Officially, it is "canonized" by the Pokémon Company because of the Pokémon TCG Online (but it won't be present at PTCGLive).
Legacy encompasses cards from the block Heart Gold & Soul Silver to Black & White, where there still wasn't a discrepancy regarding the "Power Creep", that is, the vertiginous damage output increase that started to get rampant over the years since Sun & Moon.
With that, the cards have a healthy average of HP points among Pokémon and the damage is fair. There is even an appreciation for Pokémon evolutions, which is one of the pillars of the TCG.
Wha a Legacy deck should have?
► Every deck needs to have 60 cards.
►Basic Energy is unlimited, but other cards can only have a maximum of 4 copies with the same name.
► Regarding Pokémon, if this Pokémon has the same name, for example, Gardevoir, there can only be a maximum of 4 copies in the deck, even if it has, for example, 2 copies of Gardevoir SIT 69 and 2 copies of Gardevoir CRE 61; however, the naming Gardevoir ex is different because of the “ex”, so it can be added to the deck.
Victory Conditions
► Draw all six prize cards.
► Defeat an opponent's Pokémon, and they don't have any on the bench to continue the game.
► If the opponent doesn't have any cards in their deck.
Is there a ban list in this format?
As the official Pokémon website doesn't have any precise data, it is difficult to say.
I believe that the cards that are considered banned in the Expanded format that encompasses these two blocks could be banned. In this case, we have three cards: Archeops NVI 67, Sableye DEX 62 and Ghetsis PLF 101.
But that's just a theory, as there's nothing about it on the official website. It would probably be worth using them in your Legacy deck.

It is another very atypical format as well, but which is officially “canonized” by the Pokémon Company because of the Pokémon TCG Online (and which won't be present at Live).
As the name says, it is self-explanatory: everything is possible, that is, you can take all the cards from all the expansions that exist to build your deck.
What should an Unlimited deck have?
► Every deck needs to have 60 cards.
► Basic Energy is unlimited, but other cards can only have a maximum of 4 copies with the same name.
► Regarding Pokémon, if this Pokémon has the same name, for example, Gardevoir, there can only be a maximum of 4 copies in the deck, even if it has, for example, 2 copies of Gardevoir SIT 69 and 2 copies of Gardevoir CRE 61; however, the naming Gardevoir ex is different because of the “ex”, so it can be added to the deck.
Victory Conditions
► Draw all six prize cards.
► Defeat an opponent's Pokémon, and they don't have any on the bench to continue the game.
► If the opponent doesn't have any cards in their deck.
Is there a ban list in this format?
Unlimited doesn't have a banlist.
Professor’s Cup Format

The Professor's Cup format is used by judges by the Pokémon Company with systems of their own and organized by them to make healthy competition between judges "for fun".
What should a Professor’s Cup deck have?
► Every deck needs to have 30 cards.
►Basic Energy is unlimited, but other cards can only have a maximum of 2 copies with the same name.
► Regarding Pokémon, they can only use common Pokémon, nothing with “Rule Box”. Only two copies with the same name.
► Special energies cannot be used.
► As the rules change from year to year, it's hard to say what the fixed rules are for the format. It is inaccurate to confirm what the official rules are, and only Pokémon Company licensed judges have access to this information.
Victory Conditions
► Draw all three prize cards (not six).
► Defeat an opponent's Pokémon, and they don't have any on the bench to continue the game.
► If the opponent doesn't have cards in their deck.
Is there a ban list in this format?
Pokémon with “Rule Box” and special energies.
Theme Decks

Imported into the PTCGO system, it is an introductory format where newcomers can learn to play Pokémon TCG. In theory, it applies as an “Expanded” format, but there are power level differences.
So, the ideal is to use decks from Heart Gold & Soul Silver from the Base Set to Sword & Shield: Vivid Voltage, with decks that don't use V cards:
► In Sword/Shield: Base Set: Galar's trio of starters.
► In Sword/Shield: Rebel Clash: Zacian and Zamazenta.
► In Sword/Shield: Base Set: Sirfetch'd and Galarian Darmanitan
► In Sword/Shield: Base Set: Charizard and Drednaw
The dueling rules are the same as for the Expanded format.
Battle Arena and League Battle Deck

These decks are the most competitive and cover ultra-rare Pokémon such as EX, GX, Tag Team-GX and Pokémon V/VMax/VStar, showing a high level of competitiveness and more power.
We have many examples, such as Mew VMax League Deck, Origin Forme Palkia-VStar and Inteleon-VMax; Battle Arena like Reshiram & Charizard Tag Team-GX and Pikachu & Zekrom Tag Team-GX and Arceus & Dialga & Palkia Tag Team-GX.
The dueling rules are the same as in the Expanded format.
Unofficial Formats
Gym Leader Challenge (GLC)

Created by Andrew Mahone, the format consists of using “baby” Pokémon and their potential, as it used to be with cards in the “Wizards of the Coast era”, that is, without having ultra-rare cards such as “ex”, “Lv. X”, “Prime”, “Legends”, “EX”, “M. EX", "BREAK", "GX", "Tag Team-GX", "V", "VMax", "VStar", "VUnion" and any other card that have "Rule Box" such as "Prism Star" and "Radiant".
You can follow more details about the format in this article.
Its variety philosophy is similar to the Expanded format, but with a number of limitations that I'll talk about below:
What should a Gym Leader Challenge deck have?
► Every deck needs to have 60 cards.
►Basic Energy is unlimited, but other cards can have a maximum of 1 copy of the same name. What we also call singleton format.
► The deck needs to have only one archetype, in short, it cannot use loopholes with two or more types.
Regarding dual typings, Volcarona STS 15 is accepted, as long as you choose which archetype of your deck will predominate, whether it will be grass (G) or fire (F); Pokémon that do abilities like Gallade CEC 82, can only be inserted in Psychic-type (P), in the same way as Blaziken DAA 24, which can only be inserted in Fire-type (F).
Victory Conditions
► Draw all six prize cards.
► Defeat an opponent's Pokémon, and they don't have any on the bench to continue the game.
► If the opponent doesn't have any cards in their deck.
Is there a ban list in this format?
Ultra-rare cards like “ex”, “Lv.X”, “Prime”, “Legends”, “EX”, “M. EX", "BREAK", "GX", "Tag Team-GX", "V", "VMax", "VStar", "VUnion" and any other card that contains "Rule Box" such as "Prism Star" and "Radiant", for Pokémon. Trainers with the “Prism Star” rarity are also banned.
The banned cards are:
- Lysandre's Trump Card PHF 99
- Forest of Giant Plants AOR 74
- Pokémon Research Lab UNM 205

Created by fans, this format tries to rescue the old spirit of the TCG against the use of ultra-rare cards, trying to keep the game balanced with “baby” Pokémon, Trainers and the like.
It is outdated as of Sword & Shield: Battle Styles and needs revision, but is based on the Sun & Moon block onwards.
What should a Journeys deck have?
► Every deck needs to have 60 cards.
►Basic Energy is unlimited, but other cards can only have a maximum of 4 copies with the same name.
► Regarding Pokémon, if this Pokémon has the same name, for example, Gardevoir, there can only be a maximum of 4 copies in the deck, even if it has, for example, 2 copies of Gardevoir SIT 69 and 2 copies of Gardevoir CRE 61; however, the naming Gardevoir ex is different because of the “ex”, so it can be added to the deck.
Victory Conditions
► Draw all six prize cards.
► Defeat an opponent's Pokémon, and they don't have any on the bench to continue the game.
► If the opponent doesn't have any cards in their deck.
Is there a ban list in this format?
Ultra-rare cards like “GX”, “Tag Team-GX”, “V”, “VMax”, “VStar”, “VUnion” and any other card that contains “Rule Box” like “Prism Star” and “Radiant ”, and also any “Amazing Rare” card, that for the Pokémon.
Trainers related to the name “Tag Team” or derivatives and Trainers with the rarity “Prism Star” are also included in the ban.
The banned cards are:
Sun/Moon: Base Set
Double Colorless Energy SUM 136
Sun/Moon: Guardians Rising
Sun/Moon: Burning Shadows
Sun/Moon: Shining Legends
Sun/Moon: Crimson Invasion
Sun/Moon: Ultra Prism
Sun/Moon: Forbidden Light
Sun/Moon: Celestial Storm
Sun/Moon: Celestial Storm
Sun/Moon: Team Up
Sun/Moon: Unbroken Bonds
Sun/Moon: Unified Minds
Sun/Moon: Hidden Fates
Sun/Moon: Cosmic Eclipse
Dragonium Z: Dragon Claw CEC 190
Sword/Shield: Base Set
Professor's Research (Professor Magnolia) SSH 178
Sword/Shield: Rebel Clash
Sword/Shield: Darkness Ablaze
Sword/Shield: Vivid Voltage
Sword/Shield: Battle Styles
As this format is almost three years out of date, I don't highly recommend it, but it's worth mentioning its existence.

It's a foreign format that appeared in 2014 in Japan, and supposedly uses expansions from Diamond/Pearl to X/Y. However, we have more details about the system according to the player Sheodon about how the system works, expanding the format further, calling it ”Complete Palace”.
”Complete Palace”, encompasses classic cards, from the era of Wizards of the Coast cards (Base/Gym/Neo), E-card, ex Series (Ruby/Sapphire), Diamond/Pearl, Heart Gold/Soul Silver, Black/White and X/Y.
"Errata" cards such as Computer Search and Rare Candy are considered by the most recent text of the expansion, i.e. Computer Search as ACE SPEC and Rare Candy with the Black/White errata.
What should a Palace deck have?
► Every deck needs to have 60 cards.
►Basic Energy is unlimited, but other cards can only have a maximum of 4 copies with the same name.
► Regarding Pokémon, if this Pokémon has the same name, for example Larvitar, there can only be a maximum of 4 copies in the deck, even if it has, for example, 2 copies of Larvitar UL 50 and 2 copies of Larvitar UL 51.
► In front of Pokémon, there is a type of “rarity” scheme with certain restrictions. Each deck can only have a maximum of 4 stars, so you can only use one copy of a 4-star card; or a copy of a 3-star card plus a 1-star card; or two copies of a 2-star card; or even 4 copies of a 1-star card.
And all of this cannot disrespect any of the game's basic rules, such as Pokémon with the same name or cards with Trainer cards and special energies (four copies).

► Regarding Trainer, it is the same as for Pokémon: Supporters, Stadiums, Items and Tools can have a maximum of four copies with the same name.
► Regarding energies: basic energies are unlimited and as many types as you like, but special energies are limited to only four copies.
Victory Conditions
► Draw all six prize cards.
► Defeat an opponent's Pokémon, and they don't have any on the bench to continue the game.
► If the opponent doesn't have any cards in their deck.
Is there a ban list in this format?
It is very inaccurate due to the lack of information, in addition to being old, almost ten years old with no further mention of it.
But as far as we know, the cards banned in this format are: Lysandre's Trump Card PHF 99, Kecleon RR 67, Shiftry NXD 72 and promotional cards from World events, such as Tropical Beach.

This format is one of the most bizarre, no-brainer formats ever created by the community. Incredibly, it has fans in Great Britain, mainly in England.
It basically consists of creating a deck of 100 cards to play with its own rules.
What should a U150 deck have?
► Every deck needs to have 100 cards.
► On each player's first turn, they won't be able to attack, but all other effects still occur, i.e. abilities, Poké-Body, Poké-Powers, etc.
► The game starts with you drawing 15 cards from the deck, and choosing between them 8 cards. You shuffle them and place them face down as prize cards.
Then, the 7 remaining cards will be your hand, and 1 “Mulligan” is allowed, in case you don't see any basics (note: you can play with less prize cards if both players want, just draw less cards at the beginning of the game; in this case, draw 13 cards to play with 6 prizes).
► Regarding Pokémon, if this Pokémon has the same name, for example Pikachu, you can only have four copies, even if they are from different expansions.
► Evolved Pokémon considered as “Prime” and the “holo rares” since Black/White counts as Pokémon EX. This rule does not apply to Pokémon with 80 HP or less.
► Regarding Trainer, it is the same as for Pokémon: Supporters, Stadiums, Items and Tools can have a maximum of one copy with the same name.
► Regarding energies: basic energies are unlimited and as many types as you like, but special energies are limited to one copy of each.
Victory Conditions
► Draw all six prize cards.
► Defeat an opponent's Pokémon, and they don't have any on the bench to continue the game.
► If the opponent doesn't have any cards in their deck.
Is there a ban list in this format?
It has several, which are:
► Any basic Pokémon with more than 150HP is banned.
► You cannot have any cards that are on the format's A and B ban lists, which are:
► Porygon2 UF 12, Mismagius GL LV.X RR 110, Jumpluff DRX 3, Masquerain PLB 2 and Lopunny FLF 85.
► Muk FO 28, Espeon AQ H9, Dusknoir DP 2, Gardevoir SW 7, Forretress LA 28, Mesprit LA 34, Shuckle HS 11, Sableye DEX 62, Miltank FLF 83, Trevenant XY 55, Wobbuffet PHF 36, Entei AOR 14, Greninja BKP 40, Greninja BREAK BKP 41, Garbodor GRI 51 and any Spirit Link card.

This format emerged in 2018 abroad, taking the concept of Magic with the nomenclature.
Pauper consists of playing cards that are not rare and ultra-rare, only emphasizing common and uncommon cards. The format is almost the same base as Expanded, that is, from Black & White to the most recent expansions.
What should a Pauper deck have?
► Every deck needs to have 60 cards.
►Basic Energy is unlimited, but other cards can only have a maximum of 4 copies with the same name.
► Regarding Pokémon, if this Pokémon has the same name, for example, Gardevoir, there can only be a maximum of 4 copies in the deck, even if it has, for example, 2 copies of Gardevoir SIT 69 and 2 copies of Gardevoir CRE 61; however, the naming Gardevoir ex is different because of the “ex”, so it can be added to the deck.
Victory Conditions
► Draw all six prize cards.
► Defeat an opponent's Pokémon, and they don't have any on the bench to continue the game.
► If the opponent doesn't have any cards in their deck.
Is there a ban list in this format?
► Ultra-rare cards like “ex”, “Lv.X”, “Prime”, “Legends”, “EX”, “M. EX", "BREAK", "GX", "Tag Team-GX", "V", "VMax", "VStar", "VUnion" and any other card that contains "Rule Box" such as "Prism Star" and "Radiant”, as well as the Amazing Rare Pokémon.
Trainers with the “Prism Star” rarity are also banned.
Lysandre's Trump Card PHF 99 is banned.
Silver Pauper

This format appeared after the launch of Scarlet & Violet, and it follows the same premise and the same rules as the Pauper format, but only with cards from this new block.
What should a Silver Pauper deck have?
► Every deck needs to have 60 cards.
►Basic Energy is unlimited, but other cards can only have a maximum of 4 copies with the same name.
► Regarding Pokémon, if this Pokémon has the same name, for example, Growlithe, there can only be a maximum of 4 copies in the deck, even if it has, for example, 2 copies of Growlithe sv1 30 and 2 copies of Growlithe sv1 31.
Victory Conditions
► Draw all six prize cards.
► Defeat an opponent's Pokémon, and they don't have any on the bench to continue the game.
► If the opponent doesn't have any cards in their deck.
Is there a ban list in this format?
► Ultra-rare cards like the new “ex” or any future Pokémon that come with a “Rule Box”.
And then? What do you think of the modalities? Did you know most of them? Which ones do you like to play? Write in the comments below!
See you next time.
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