Pokemon TCG


Pokémon GO TCG: Everything about the new Pokémon set

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Check here for new information about the upcoming special expansion for the month of July (bonus: guaranteed a good part of the card list!)

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によって翻訳されました Leon

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によってレビュー Tabata Marques

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  1. > Introduction
  2. > Set Products
    1. Set Products: United States
  3. > Expansion Cards
    1. Pokémon
    2. Trainers and Items
    3. Alternative Art Cards
    4. Full Art Rainbow and Gold Full Art Cards


Hello everybody. I'm Rodrigo, and I'm here to bring you hot and exclusive news. The Pokémon Company will celebrate a special expansion bringing Pokémon GO in the TCG version.

The new set will have the same special collection molds as the Sun/Moon blocks, which have the Shining Legendslink outside website, Dragon Majesty, Detective Pikachulink outside website and Hidden Fates sets; and Sword/Shield blocks with Champion's Path, Shining Fates, and Celebration sets. These are special sets that fall in between major expansions, non-periodic like the base sets (which are quarterly in the west).


Copag also informed the launch day that it is scheduled for 07/01/2022 (thus coinciding with the West in general), but in Japan it will premiere on 06/17/2022.

Well, shall we start talking about the new set?

Set Products

Set Products: United States

In the United States, there is already a pre-sales table with the new products that will come. We will have the following products in this set:

- Advanced Trainer Collection (the famous Elite Trainer Box) both the standard version and the Mewtwo-themed Pokémon Center version, which contains sleeves, dice, damage counters (custom ones with blue and white color tone going to one side almost silver - from the special Pokémon Center version), VStar marker and of course, 16 booster packs, and a Mewtwo promo card. Its listed price is $50;

- Premium Set: which contains a special box that contains the Radiant Eevee as a promo card with a pin of the same and with 8 booster packs (the same mold that had the special box of the Ho-Oh-GX Rainbow from Sun/Moon: Shining Legends The pre-sale price is $50;

- Special set (the famous boxes with exclusive promotional cards), that is, boxes that contain a Full Art card from the coaches representing the Instinct, Mystic and Valor teams — respectively Spark's card with a Zapdos pin, Blanche with an Articuno pin. Articuno, and Candela with a Articuno pin. The product will have six booster packs. The pre-sale price is $50;

- Special sets (other boxes): The Alolan Exeggutor-V box was also confirmed (the same mold that comes from Pokémon isolated from life like Alolan-Marowak-GX in the Sun/Moon block), which comes as usual with the promotional card of the even with a different artwork and six booster packs and his jumbo card. Its pre-sale value is $20 dollars;

- Sets of Pokémon GO (boosters);

- Battle V Decks (Mewtwo-V and Melmetal-V). In the US, they will come in two forms: 1) as a Battle Deck containing both decks together; 2) and the separate decks. It is worth mentioning that each deck comes with a different art of the deck's representatives (Mewtwo and Melmetal). Another observation is that usually Battle Decks come with more improved cards for competitive, almost a complete deck to rival assembled decks, unlike isolated decks that come with mediocre cards and just introductory cards for beginners who don't know the game (usually non-competitive cards and that saturate the deck like Beda and Dan, which is in virtually every product of this format).

Remembering that, as we don't have the official list of these products YET, it's a conjecture that it may be that the Battle Deck is not that good, but it is unlikely that they will change over the unit decks (because this pattern is repeated from the base set from Sword/Shield). The price tag for the Battle Deck is $40 and the single decks goes for $15;

- Promotional tins with Blissey, Pikachu and Snorlax, cards with promotional art and of course, 4 booster packs in each tin. Their launch is on 07/15/2022 in the US and no price has been set yet;


- Compressed cans: those small cans that come with artwork like a big wallpaper, which is fitted if you buy the whole set. The Pokemon chosen for the arts are: Magikarp, Pikachu, Eevee, Blissey and Snorlax. The forecast is for 05/08/2022 in the US and no price set yet;

- Special boxes with the Kanto initials, where you have the initials Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle in promotional art with their pins, and the box apparently contains between 5 or 6 booster packs. This type of product is American and is on pre-sale for $15 dollars;

- Metal Poké-Balls: the tins represent the traditional Poké Ball, Great Ball, and Ultra Ball;

- Premium Deck Holder Collection Dragonite-VStar Box: Being an extremely coveted long-term import product, it will contain alternate artwork of Dragonite-V and Dragonite-VStar in a large box containing what would be a Premiere Ball type having 9 booster packs. For $50, it is expected to be in US stores on 9/30/2022.

Expansion Cards

Now for the part that interests us, let's go to the news of the set.

The novelty of this expansion and what will be attractive to everyone will be the ''Ditto'' cards.

What would that be? In the description corner of the card numbering, where you have the expansion and rarity record (common, uncommon, rare, ultra rare, etc.) you could see a symbol of a Ditto. If you take this card and remove the superficial ''seal'' from the card, you will actually see a Ditto!

In other words, supposing you get a Mewtwo-VStar card and if you happen to see that the rarity symbol has the Ditto design instead of the bright star, I'm sorry to inform you that you were tricked by a Ditto, who, upon unsealing covering the card, will reveal that Ditto underneath the card.

Image content of the Website

And by clicking herelink outside website, you can see a reels from Reddit showing what this one will look like.

And with a few warnings for the expansion list:

As we know, western expansions try to adapt to what is released in Japan, that is, the type of card distribution there cannot be the same in the west, as they are different departments: The Pokémon Company (Japan) and Pokémon Company International (which accounts for the globe).

Why this explanation? Not every product from there comes to the West or the way they are distributed may be different. For example, the Full Art cards of the representatives of the Instict, Mystic and Valor teams (Spark, Blanche and Candela) come in normal booster packs in Japan, while in the West, in the United States, they will come in boxes. So we can't say about the rarest cards on the list, that is, Full Art cards, secret/alternative arts, until we get to some official statement or sources that already make it available (based on Japan). Until then, I'll list the cards that have been OFFICIALLY confirmed by leaks.

To facilitate the understanding of the energy requirement cost of Pokémon attacks, I will put this list for you to associate:


(G) = Grass (Plant/Grass)

(F) = Fire (Fire)

(W) = Water (Water)

(E) = Electric (Electric)

(FT) = Fighting (Fighting/Physics)

(P) = Psychic (Psychic)

(M) = Metal (Metallic)

(D) = Darkness

(C) = Colorless (Colorless)

So here we go for it:


Bulbasaur (001/078)

Image content of the Website

Plant type, with 70 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Fire (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Two energies

Vine Whip: (G) 10 damage

Razor Leaf: (G)(C) 20 damage

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Ivysaur (002/078)

Image content of the Website

Plant type, with 100 HP

Pokemon: Stage 1

Weakness: Fire (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Three energies

Summoning Aroma: (G) Search your deck for two Pokémon in your deck, reveal them, and put them into your hand. After that, shuffle your deck again.

Razor Leaf: (G)(G)(C) 60 damage

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Venusaur (003/078)

Image content of the Website

Plant type, with 180 HP

Pokemon: Stage 2

Weakness: Fire (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Four energies

Ability - Loopy Lasso: During your turn, flip a coin. If heads, choose one of your opponent's Benched Pokémon to become the Active Pokémon. Now, this new Pokemon is asleeped and poisoned.

Solar Beam: (G)(G)(G)(C) 130 damage

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Radiant Venusaur (004/078)

Image content of the Website

Plant type, with 150 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Fire (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Three energies

Radiant Pokémon Special Rule: You can only have one "Radiant" card in your deck

Skill - Sunny Bloom: Once at the end fot your turn (after your attack), you may use this ability. Draw cards until you have 4 cards in your hand.

Pollen Hazard: (G)(G)(C) You deal 90 damage, and your opponent's Active Pokémon is Burned, Confused, and Poisoned.

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Alolan Exeggutor-V (005/078)

Image content of the Website

Plant type, with 240 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Fire (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Three energies

Pokémon-V Rule: If this Pokémon is Knocked Out, the opponent takes two Prize Cards

Growing Tall: (G) Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for 5 plant energies and attach them to your Pokémon however you like. Then shuffle your deck.

Head Swing: (C)(C)(C) This attack does 30 damage to an opponent's Pokémon for each Plant Energy attached to this Pokémon.

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Spinarak (006/078)

Plant type, with 60 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Fire (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: One energy

Sting: (G) 10 damage and your opponent's Active Pokémon is Poisoned.


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Ariados (007/078)

Plant type, with 110 HP

Pokemon: Stage 1

Weakness: Fire (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: One energy

Panic Web: (C) Flip a coin. If heads, the opponent's Active Pokémon is Paralyzed and Poisoned.

Healing Bite: (G)(G)(C) Deals 50 damage, and this Pokémon can heal 50 health at the same time.

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Charmander (008/078)

Image content of the Website

Fire type, with 60 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Water (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: One energy

Tail on Fire: (F) Search your deck for a fire energy and attack that Pokémon. Then shuffle your deck.

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Charmeleon (009/078)

Image content of the Website

Fire type, with 90 HP

Pokemon: Stage 1

Weakness: Water (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Two energies

Scrath: (F)(C) 30 damage.

Flamthrower: (F)(F)(C)(C) 100 damage and discard 1 Fire Energy from this Pokémon.

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Charizard (010/078)

Image content of the Website

Fire type, with 170 HP

Pokemon: Stage 2

Weakness: Water (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Three energies

Ability - Burn Brightly: Each Fire-Type Basic Unit Energy attached to your Pokémon will now provide as if they were two Fire-Type Basic Energy.

Fire Blitz: (F)(F)(C)(C) 170 damage, but at the cost of discarding all Energy attached to this Pokémon.

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Radiant Charizard (011/078)

Image content of the Website

Fire type, with 160 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Water (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Three energies

Radiant Pokémon Special Rule: You can only have one "Radiant" card in your deck

Ability - Excited Heart: The colorless energy cost of this Pokémon's attack is reduced by one for each prize card the opponent took.

Combustion Blast (F)(C)(C)(C)(C): 250 damage, but cannot use this attack next turn.

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Moltres (012/078)

Image content of the Website

Fire type, with 120 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Water (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Two energies

Ability - Flare Symbol: All of your Basic Fire Pokémon (except Moltres) do an additional 10 damage to your opponent's Active Pokémon (before applying Weakness and Resistance).

Fire Wing: (F)(F)(C) 110 damage.

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Numel (013/078)

Fire type, with 80 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Water (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Three energies


Tackle: (F)(C) 20 damage.

Stomp: (F)(F)(C) 50+ base. Flip a coin, and if heads, you can add 50 more damage.

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Camerupt (014/078)

Fire type, with 140 HP

Pokemon: Stage 1

Weakness: Water (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Four energies

Split Bomb: (F)(C) Deals 50 damage to two of your opponent's Benched Pokémon (weakness and resistance are not applied to the Benched).

Heat Blast: (F)(F)(C) 120 damage.

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Squirtle (015/078)

Image content of the Website

Water type, with 70 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Electric (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: One energy

Water Gun: (W) 20 damage

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Wartortle (016/078)

Image content of the Website

Water type, with 90 HP

Pokemon: Stage 1

Weakness: Electric (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Two energies

Water Gun: (W) 30 damage

Hydro Pump: (C)(C)(C) 50 damage + 10 for each Water Energy attached to this Pokémon.

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Blastoise (017/078)

Image content of the Website

Water type, with 170 HP

Pokemon: Stage 2

Weakness: Electric (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Three energies

Ability - Vitality Spring: During your turn, you can search your deck for 6 energies and attach them to your Pokémon in any way you like. Then shuffle your deck. And if you do, your turn is over.

Hydro Pump: (C)(C)(C)(C) 90 damage + 30 for each Water Energy attached to this Pokémon.

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Radiant Blastoise (018/078)

Image content of the Website

Water type, with 150 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Electric (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Three energies

Radiant Pokémon Special Rule: You can only have one "Radiant" card in your deck

Ability - Pump Shot: You can discard a water energy to perform this effect. If you do, you may put two damage counters on one of your opponent's Benched Pokémon.

Torrential Cannon: (W)(W)(C) 170 damage, but cannot use this attack next turn.

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Slowpoke (019/078)

Image content of the Website

Water type, with 70 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Electric (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Two energies

Stay Relax: (C) Heal 30 damage to this Pokémon.

Fishing Tail: (W) Place an item-type trainer card from the discard pile into your hand.

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Slowbro (020/078)

Image content of the Website


Water type, with 120 HP

Pokemon: Stage 1

Weakness: Electric (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Three energies

Dizzy Tackle: (I)(I) Both active Pokémon are asleep.

Last Minute Inspiration: (C)(C) You can use this attack only when your opponent has ONLY one Prize card remaining. You can take two prize cards.

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Magikarp (021/078)

Water type, with 30 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Electric (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: One energy

Lively Grouping: (C) Search your deck for any amount of Magikarp, reveal them, and put them into your hand. Then shuffle your deck.

Raging Fin: (C)(C) 30 + 10 damage for each Magikarp and Gyarados in your discard pile.

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Gyarados (022/078)

Water type, with 170 HP

Pokemon: Stage 2

Weakness: Electric (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Three energies

Wreak Havoc: (I) Flip several coins until tails. For each heads, discard two cards from the top of your opponent's deck.

Wild Splash: (W)(W)(C)(C) 250 damage and discard 5 cards from the top of your deck.

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Lapras (023/078)

Water type, with 120 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Electric (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Two energies

Ice Beam: (W) 20 damage, and flip a coin. If heads, the opponent's Active Pokémon is Paralyzed.

Surf: (W)(W)(C) 110 damage.

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Articuno (024/078)

Image content of the Website

Water type, with 120 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Electric (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Two energies

Ability - Ice Symbol: All of your Basic Water Pokémon (except Articuno) do an additional 10 damage to your opponent's Active Pokémon (before applying Weakness and Resistance).

Freezing Wind: (W)(W)(C) 110 damage

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Wimpod (025/078)

Water type, with 70 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Electric (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Three energies

Ability - Punk Out: If your opponent has any Pokémon-V on the field, that Pokémon's recoil cost will be reset to zero.

Gnaw: (W) 10.

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Golisopod (026/078)

Water type, with 130 HP

Pokemon: Stage 1

Weakness: Electric (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Two energies

First Impression: (W) 20 + 90 damage, if this Pokémon is moved from the Bench to the Active Position in the same turn.

Slash: (W)(C)(C) 100 damage.

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Pikachu (027/078)

Electric type, with 60 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Fighter (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: One energy

Buddy Bolt: (E)(E)(C) 30 + 30 damage if during that same turn, if you played any supporter trainer cards that turn.


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Pikachu (028/078)

Electric type, with 70 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Fighter (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: One energy

Wild Charge: (E)(E)(C) 90 damage, but takes 30 damage to itself.

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Zapdos (029/078)

Image content of the Website

Electric type, with 120 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Fighter (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Two energies

Ability - Lightning Symbol: All of your Electric Basic Pokemon (except Zapdos) do an additional 10 damage to your opponent's Active Pokemon (before applying Weakness and Resistance).

Electric Ball: (E)(E)(C) 110 damage.

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Mewtwo-V (030/078)

Image content of the Website

Psychic type, with 220 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Dark (2x)

Resistance: Fighter (-30)

Recoil Cost: Two energies

Pokémon-V Rule: If this Pokémon is Knocked Out, the opponent takes two Prize cards.

Super Psy Bolt: (P)(C) 50 damage.

Transfer Break: (P)(P)(C) 160 damage and move as many Energy as you like from this Pokémon to one of your Benched Pokémon.

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Mewtwo-VStar (031/078)

Image content of the Website

Psychic type, with 280 HP

Pokemon: Stage 1

Weakness: Dark (2x)

Resistance: Fighter (-30)

Recoil Cost: Two energies

Pokémon-VStar Rule: If this Pokémon is Knocked Out, the opponent takes two prize cards.

Psy Purge: (P)(C) 90 x the base of this damage. You discard up to 3 psionic energies for the cost of this attack, and if you do, it will be 90 x for each energy discarded this way.

VStar Attack - Star Raid: (P)(C) This attack does 120 damage for each of your opponent's Pokémon V, and this damage is not affected by weakness or resistance (you cannot use more than one VStar attack/skill per match).

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Natu (032/078)

Psychic type, with 50 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Dark (2x)

Resistance: Fighter (-30)

Recoil Cost: One energy

Sleep: (C) Heal 20 damage from this Pokémon.

Peck: (P)(C) 20 damage.

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Xatu (033/078)

Psychic type, with 110 HP

Pokemon: Stage 1

Weakness: Dark (2x)

Resistance: Fighter (-30)

Recoil Cost: One energy

Ancient Strike: (P) This attack does 90 damage to one of your opponent's Pokémon-V (do not apply Weakness and Resistance to Benched Pokémon).

Psychic: (P)(C) 50 damage, and your opponent's Active Pokémon is Confused.

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Lunatone (034/078)

Psychic type, with 90 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Dark (2x)

Resistance: Fighter (-30)


Recoil Cost: One energy

Cycle Draw: (P) Discard a card from your hand. If you do, draw 3 cards.

Lunar Kinesis: (C)(C)(C) 30 + 30 damage for each Psychic Energy attached to this Pokémon.

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Sylveon (035/078)

Image content of the Website

Psychic type, with 120 HP

Pokemon: Stage 1

Weakness: Metallic (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: One energy

Long Ribbons: (P) Search your deck for 2 cards you want and put them in your hand. Shuffle your deck after that.

Fierce Fairy: (C)(C)(C) 90 + 90 damage if opponent is Dragon type.

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Onyx (036/078)

Fighter type, with 120 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Plant (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Four energies

Rock Tomb: (C)(C)(C) 50 damage, and the opponent's defending Pokémon can't retreat next turn.

Raging Swing: (FT)(FT)(C)(C) 50 x damage for each damage counter counted to this Pokémon.

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Larvitar (037/078)

Fighter type, with 60 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Plant (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: One energy

Rock Smash: (C) 10+ and flip a coin. If heads, the attack does +10 damage.


Pupitar (038/078)

Fighter type, with 90 HP

Pokémon: Stage 1

Weakness: Plant (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: One energy

Crash Barrette: (C) This attack does 20 damage to all Benched Pokémon (both yours and the opponent's) (weakness and toughness are not applied to the Benched).

Tackle: (FT)(C)(C) 70 damage.


Solrock (039/078)

Fighter type, with 90 HP

Pokémon: Basic

Weakness: Plant (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: One energy

Ability - Solar Energy: During your turn, you can attach psychic energy from the discard pile to your Lunatone in play.

Spinning Attack: (FT)(C) 50 damage.


Conkeldurr-V (040/078)

Image content of the Website

Fighter type, with 230 HP

Pokémon: Basic

Weakness: Psychic (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Three energies

Pokémon-V Rule: If this Pokémon is Knocked Out, the opponent takes two Prize cards.

Counter: 20+ as base damage. If that Pokémon took damage the previous turn, it can deal that much damage.

Dynamic Punch: (FT)(C)(C) 90+ damage and flip a coin. If heads, it does +90 and the opponent's Active Pokémon is confused.

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Alolan Rattata (041/078)

Image content of the Website

Dark type, with 40 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Plant (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: One energy

Hyper Fang: (C)(C) 50 damage and flip a coin. If tails, this attack will not work.


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Alolan Raticate (042/078)

Image content of the Website

Dark type, with 120 HP

Pokemon: Stage 1

Weakness: Plant (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Three energies

Chase Up: (D) Search your deck for a card you want and put it in your hand. Shuffle your deck after that.

Super Fang: (C)(C)(C) Place damage counters on your opponent until they have 10 HP remaining.

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Tyranitar (043/078)

Image content of the Website

Dark type, with 180 HP

Pokemon: Stage 2

Weakness: Plant (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Three energies

Raging Crash: (C)(C) 10 x your damage for each damage counter of your Benched Pokémon.

Earthquake: (D)(D)(C)(C) 180 damage, and you do 20 damage to each Pokémon on your Bench.

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Steelix (044/078)

Metal type, with 180 HP

Pokemon: Stage 1

Weakness: Fire (2x)

Resistance: Plant (-30)

Recoil Cost: Four energies

Body Slam: (C)(C)(C) 70 damage and you flip the coin. If heads, your opponent's Active Pokémon is Paralyzed.

Iron Buster: (M)(C)(C)(C) 170 damage, and this Pokémon can't attack next turn.

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Meltan (045/078)

Metal type, with 70 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Fire (2x)

Resistance: Plant (-30)

Recoil Cost: Two energies

Thunder Shock: (C)(C)(C) 20 damage and you flip a coin. If heads, the opponent's Active Pokémon is now paralyzed.

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Melmetal (046/078)

Metal type, with 160 HP

Pokemon: Stage 1

Weakness: Fire (2x)

Resistance: Plant (-30)

Recoil Cost: Four energies

Headbutt: (C)(C) 60 damage.

Swinging Smash: (M)(C)(C) 30 + and flip two coins. For each head, that's an additional 90 damage.

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Melmetal-V (047/078)

Image content of the Website

Metal type, with 220 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Fire (2x)

Resistance: Plant (-30)

Recoil Cost: Three energies

Pokémon-V Rule: If this Pokémon is Knocked Out, the opponent takes two Prize cards.

Arm Charge: (M)(M) 50 damage, and you move Metal Energy from your hand to this Pokémon.

Iron Buster: (M)(C)(C)(C) 170 damage, and this Pokémon can't attack next turn.

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Melmetal-VMax (048/078)

Image content of the Website

Metal type, with 220 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Fire (2x)

Resistance: Plant (-30)

Recoil Cost: Four energies

Pokémon-VMax Rule: If this Pokémon is Knocked Out, the opponent takes three prize cards.

G-Max Juggernaut: (M)(M)(M) 160 + damage, and you can add +60 damage for each Metal Energy attached to this Pokémon (in addition to this attack's cost). You cannot pass more than 120 damage when performing this method.


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Dragonite-V (049/078)

Image content of the Website

Dragon type, with 220 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: None

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Two energies

Pokémon-V Rule: If this Pokémon is Knocked Out, the opponent takes two Prize cards.

Hyper Beam: (W)(E) 60 damage and you discard an Energy attached to your opponent's Active Pokémon.

Buster Tail: (W)(E)(C) 160 damage.

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Dragonite-VStar (050/078)

Image content of the Website

Dragon type, with 280 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: None

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Two energies

Pokémon-VStar Rule: If this Pokémon is Knocked Out, the opponent takes two prize cards.

Giga Impact: (W)(E)(C)(C) 250 damage, but this Pokémon can't attack next turn.

V-Star Attack - Draconic Star: (C) Look at the top 12 cards of your deck and look for water and electrical energies that are there, then link to your Pokémon however you like (you can't use any more than one VStar attack/skill per match).

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Chansey (051/078)

Colorless type, with 130 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Fighter (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Three energies

Delicious Egg: (C) Heal 30 damage to one of your Benched Pokémon.

Gentle Slap: (C)(C) 30 damage.

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Blissey (052/078)

Colorless type, with 200 HP

Pokemon: Stage 1

Weakness: Fighter (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Four energies

Enriching Egg: (C) Heal 30 damage to one of your Benched Pokémon.

Zen Headbutt: (C)(C)(C) 100 damage.

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Ditto (053/078)

Image content of the Website

Colorless type, with 70 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Fighter (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: One energy

Ability - Sudden Transformation: This Pokémon can use any attack from basic Pokémon that are in its discard pile, except Pokémon that have rule boxes (such as Pokémon-GX, Pokémon V, etc.) (you still need to meet the requirement energy required to copy a given attack).

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Eevee (054/078)

Image content of the Website

Colorless type, with 60 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Fighter (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: One energy

Whiny Voice: (C) Choose a random card from your opponent's hand. He reveals that card and returns it to the deck by shuffling it.

Tackle: (C)(C) 20 damage.

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Snorlax (055/078)

Image content of the Website

Colorless type, with 150 HP


Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Fighter (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Four energies

Ability - Block: If this Pokémon is as Active, your opponent's Active Pokémon cannot retreat.

Collapse: (C)(C)(C)(C) 150 damage and this Pokémon is asleep.

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Aipom (056/078)

Colorless type, with 60 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Fighter (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: One energy

Bustle: (C) Flip a coin. If heads, during your opponent's next turn, prevent all attacks and attack effects to this Pokémon.

Slap: (C)(C)(C) 30 damage.

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Ambipom (057/078)

Colorless type, with 90 HP

Pokemon: Stage 1

Weakness: Fighter (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: One energy

Ability - Primate Dexterity: If there is any damage from an attack to this Pokémon, flip a coin. If heads, prevent that damage.

Full Tilt Fling: (C) 60 x base damage. Flip a coin for each Energy attached to this Pokémon that lands heads. This attack does 60 damage for each hit.

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Slaking-V (058/078)

Image content of the Website

Colorless type, with 230 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Fighter (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Three energies

Pokémon-V Rule: If this Pokémon is Knocked Out, the opponent takes two Prize cards.

Ability - Lazy: If you have exactly 2,4, or 6 Prize cards in your game, this Pokémon cannot attack.

Heavy Impact: (C)(C)(C)(C) 260 damage.

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Bidoof (059/078)

Image content of the Website

Colorless type, with 70 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Fighter (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Two energies

Take Down: (C)(C)(C) 50 damage, but takes 10 damage to self.

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Bibarel (060/078)

Image content of the Website

Colorless type, with 100 HP

Pokemon: Stage 1

Weakness: Fighter (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: Two energies

Ability - Reassuring Dam: If this Pokémon is on your Bench, your cards in your deck cannot suffer any discard effects from your opponent's support cards, item cards, abilities, or attacks.

Hammer In: (C)(C)(C) 80 damage.

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Pidove (061/078)

Colorless type, with 60 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Fighter (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: One energy

Growl: (C) During your opponent's next turn, this Pokémon takes 20 less damage from attacks.

Wing Attack: (C)(C) 30 damage.

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Tranquil (062/078)

Colorless type, with 80 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Fighter (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: One energy


Quick Attack: (C) 20+ and flip a coin. If heads, this attack does +20 damage.

Wing Attack: (C)(C) 30 damage.

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Unfezant (063/078)

Colorless type, with 140 HP

Pokemon: Basic

Weakness: Fighter (2x)

Resistance: None

Recoil Cost: One energy

Gust: (C) 30 damage.

Furious Tornado: (C)(C) 70 x for every number of coins hit (4 coins) if heads.

Trainers and Items

Blanche (064/078)

Trainer, supporter type card

Supporter Rule: You can only use this card once per turn.

Effect: Draw two cards. If you do it this way, flip a coin. If heads, attach a Water Energy from your discard pile to one of your Benched Pokémon.

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Candela (065/078)

Trainer, supporter type card

Supporter Rule: You can only use this card once per turn.

Effect: Draw two cards. If you do it this way, flip a coin. If heads, attach a Fire Energy from your discard pile to one of your Benched Pokémon.

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Egg Incubator (066/078)

Trainer, item type card

Item Rule: You can play as many item cards as you like on your turn.

Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for a basic Pokémon and put it on your bench and shuffle your deck. If tails, put this card at the end of your deck instead of sending it to the discard pile.

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Lure Module (067/078)

Trainer, item type card

Item Rule: You can play as many item cards as you like on your turn.

Effect: Each player reveals their top three cards from the top of their decks and puts all the Pokémon they find there into their respective hands. Then the other non-Pokémon cards will be returned to your decks and shuffled.

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PokéStop (068/078)

Trainer, stadium type card

Stadium Rule: When you play this type of card, it stays for the entire game. However, if there is a new stadium, you need to discard the old one so that this new one enters the field.

Effect: During each player's turn, that player can choose to discard the top 3 cards of their deck. If that player discarded item cards in this process, they will go into your hand.

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Rare Candy (069/078)

Trainer, item type card

Item Rule: You can play as many item cards as you like on your turn.

Effect: Choose a basic Pokémon from your game. If you have a stage 2 evolution of that Pokemon, place it on top of that Pokemon, considering a direct evolution, skipping that Pokemon's stage 1. You can't use this card on your first turn or when you've just set a Basic Pokémon on the same turn.

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Spark (070/078)

Trainer, supporter type card

Supporter Rule: You can only use this card once per turn.


Effect: Draw two cards. If you do it this way, flip a coin. If heads, attach an electrical energy from your discard pile to one of your Benched Pokémon.

Alternative Art Cards

Alolan Exeggutor-V (Full Art) (071/078)

Mewtwo-V (Alternative Art) (072/078)

Conkeldurr-V (Full Art) (073/078)

Conkeldurr-V (Alternative Art) (074/078)

Melmetal-V (Full Art) (075/078)

Dragonite-V (Full Art) (076/078)

Slaking-V (Full Art) (077/078)

Professor’s Research: Prof. Willow (Full Art) (078/078)

Full Art Rainbow and Gold Full Art Cards

Mewtwo-VStar (Rainbow Full Art) (079/078)

Melmetal-VMax (Rainbow Full Art) (080/078)

Dragonite-VStar (Rainbow Full Art) (081/078)

Blanche (Rainbow Full Art) (082/078)

Candela (Rainbow Full Art) (083/078)

Professor’s Research: Prof. Willow (Rainbow Full Art) (084/078)

Spark (Rainbow Full Art) (085/078)

Mewtwo-VStar (Gold Full Art) (086/078)

Egg Incubator (Gold Full Art) (087/078)

Lure Module (Gold Full Art) (088/078)