Pokemon TCG
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Rodolfo Nogueira
Compete for a $5000 prize by submitting your best Pokémon art to The Pokémon Company's annual contes...
TCG thepokemoncompany pokemon news pikachu
Rodrigo William
Come and see some of the work of the most iconic Pokémon TCG illustrators, their history and careers...
PokémonTCG Illustrators Art
We revisited the birds of Kanto, which having a good amount of HP, it has a great attack value and a...
PokémonTCG Kanto Birds Expanded
This deck uses Lugia and Articuno-EX as attackers, being very synergistic: Articuno-EX will make use...
Expanded PokémonTCG Lugia Articuno
Check out here the most beautiful cards art that were featured in the block, regardless of whether t...
PokémonTCg Sword&Shield Top 10
Check here the most valuable Gold Full Art cards of the Sword & Shield block for investments in comp...
PokémonTCG Sword&Shield
The subset brings Generation IX starters.
news pokémontcg starters triple beat
Meet the runner-up deck of the Stuttgart regionals, in Germany, made by the Belgian player Brent Coo...
Pokémon TCG Mew Top 8
Meet the Mewtwo VUnion control deck that was in the top 8 in the German regional of 2022.2, by the p...
PokémonTCG Mewtwo Control
Meet Articuno's paralysis deck that took first place at the 2022.2 Australian regionals, piloted by ...
Regional Deck Tech Standard
Discover the champion deck of the Stuttgart regional, in Germany, made by the Polish Mateusz Łaszkie...
Pokémon TCG Vikavolt V
Check out here in this article the 10 best-rated cards this second semester, this October, about the...
Standard Collectibles
See the most valued Full Art cards to date in 2022, ahead of the Lost Origin expansion's release.
PokémonTCG value
Felipe Souza
You still don't know what Pokémon TCG is? What are you waiting for to discover the most popular and ...
pokemon tcg card games guide
Check here for new information about the upcoming special expansion for the month of July (bonus: gu...
PokémonTCG Standart News