Pokemon TCG
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Rodrigo William
Discover the possibilities with Regidrago VStar, a card that will show up in the Silver Tempest expa...
Standard Preview Regidrago VStar
In this article, we will detail what information we have with the Japanese data of the eastern expan...
Standard Review Silver Tempest
Meet Dewgong, a cheap Single Prize deck that can deal up to 440 damage!
Standard Dewgong
Meet one of the water decks that can be interesting for the current format with high resources aimed...
standard Kyurem Deck tech
Meet Empoleon V, from Battle Styles, combined with Hisuian Goodra "baby" from Lost Origin, inhibitin...
PokémonTCG Standard Empoleon
Get to know the metallic wall of the Galarian Wolves alongside Hisuian Goodra, generating tons os va...
Standard Galarian Wolfs
Meet Clefairy's cheap deck with damage stacking for every psychic energy attached in the entire boar...
Standard Clefairy Wyrderr
Meet the rework of Dragapult VMax with the release of Sableye from Lost Origin, which modified the d...
Standard Dragapult Sableye
Versatile and responsive Aerodactyl VStar deck with its multiple facets of direct damage and spreads...
Standard Aerodactyl
We will address a deck focused on Ditto copying Spiritomb's attacks, being able to reach 280 damage ...
Standard Ditto Spiritomb
In this article, we assess Spiritomb's potential along with Galarian Moltres!
Standard Moltres Spiritomb
Meet Hisuian Arcanine, a deck that with no energy in hand can hit up to 220 damage at its maximum po...
Hisuian Arcanine Standard Deck Tech
Meet Magnezone-VStar, a Pokémon that deals as much damage to your opponent's Active and Benched Poké...
Pokémon Standard Magnezone
Meet another potential Dark Box of the standard format, with an exotic stereotype: Drapion, which ca...
Standard Drapion Deck Tech
Meet the new addition of the Mirage Gate card to boost Reshiram Amazing Rare, forgotten from the Shi...
Standard Reshiram Lost Zone Deck Tech
See another amazing and curious deck from Hisuian Electrode-V, which for no energy at the cost of it...
Standard Deck Guide Electrode
Meet Hisuian Zoroark-VStar, one of Japan's favorite decks, straight from the Lost Origin expansion w...
Standard Zoroark Deck Tech
Discover this deck from the Lost Origin expansion focused on the healing, durability and resistance ...
Standard Hisuian Goodra Deck Tech