Hello everybody. I'm Rodrigo, and I'm here to bring you more ideas and deck possibilities for the Standard format in the Pokémon TCG.
Faced with new cards from the new expansion Lost Origin, this section in particular will have two parts to feature a dark/ghost type Pokémon that is present in collection: Spiritomb.
In this article, we will talk about the deck only focused on it, and in the future, we will talk about its combination with Ditto from Pokémon GO (which we mentioned in the June articles about it when it was strong in Japan with the synergy with Spiritomb).
Spiritomb: The Grudge Pokémon
Deck Analysis

Simple in thesis, but complicated when it comes to building the power-up, Spiritomb LOR 117 has its Chain of Spirits attack: for two dark energies, which hits 10 + 60 for each Spiritomb in the discard pile, making a chain of up to 190 maximum damage considering 3 Spiritomb in the discard.
And if it gets knocked out, it activates its Cursed Message ability, where you search your deck for a card, and put it in your hand and then shuffle your deck.

The power-up process for a “Single Prize” card is complicated by requiring two pure dark-type energies. It is quite possible that it will be KO'd quickly, hence the importance of Raihan EVS 152 for power-up and Dark Patch ASR 139 if any Spiritomb are in the bench.

And as an attacker from “Late Game” to “End Game”, we have Galarian Moltres EVS 93 with its Fiery Wrath attack: for two dark energies and one colorless, it does 20 damage plus 50 for each card prize that the opponent has taken, with its total damage reaching 270, knocking out most Pokémon V and VStar of the current format.
Recursive Pokémon

1) Manaphy BRS 41 is your "Bench Protector" thanks to its Wave Velt ability, which inhibits direct damage to your Benched Pokémon from opponents' Pokémon that "Spread Sniper" with direct damage, preserving your Cinccino SSH 147 for draws and the hand discard system, making the combo of discarding Spiritomb to power up another.
2) Radiant Greninja ASR 46, which with its Concealed Cards ability, you discard an energy card from your hand to draw two cards; fundamental as a complement to Cinccino SSH 147 and discarding dark energies to activate Dark Patch ASR 139 for some Spiritomb on the bench.
3) Cinccino SSH 147 with the ability Make Do: you discard a card from your hand and draw two cards, accelerating your game with Spiritomb's discard system.
Trainer Cards

- Raihan EVS 152 can only be played if your active Pokémon was Knocked Out in the previous turn. You attach an energy from the discard pile to one of your Pokémon in any way you want, and you still search your deck for a card you want, putting it in your hand and shuffling the deck.
- Boss's Orders BRS 132 is used to pull a Pokémon from the opponent's bench and do that specific knockout to knock out a Pokémon with Spiritomb or Galarian Moltres, to catch small Pokémon V like Crobat V, Eldegoss V or even a Mew V with double weakness.

- Rescue Carrier EVS 154 is used to rescue two Pokémon that have 90 HP or less from the discard pile and put them in your hand.
In this, it is essential to rescue Spiritomb LOR 117 so that you can use the combo of Raihan EVS 152 and Dark Patch ASR 139 to guarantee the two energies of the turn so that it starts attacking as soon as played.
- Air Balloon SSH 156 works if the Pokémon is equipped with this tool, its retreat costs two less. Ideal for the mobility of your Cinccino SSH 147.
- Dark Patch ASR 139 is for recycling a dark energy from the discard pile to a dark-type Pokémon on your bench, ideal for Spiritomb LOR 117.
- Choice Belt BRS 135 is to close damage to Spiritomb LOR 117 with its 190 maximum damage that can be 30 more with this tool, reaching 220 damage.

Format Archetypes
This deck can respond well against Mew VMax due to its dark type weakness, which is wonderful, as it is one of the strongest decks in the format and since we only have “Single Prize” cards, Mew needs to play around to manage to respond to the knockouts and take the 6 prize cards first — which will be a difficult task.
Just for being a counter to this deck, it deserves all these honors.
It's a bit slow deck to assemble the energy setup because it just asks for two dark energies to perform the attack, so you usually put some "cannon fodder" Pokémon like Cinccino SSH 147 in front, but of course, ensuring Air Balloon SSH 156 with them to have the precise retreat to promote Spiritomb LOR 117 to attack. And with that, it's always ideal to use Rescue Carrier EVS 154 to rescue at least one Spiritomb, so as not to break the deck's functioning.
The "Spread Snipers" with damage counters (indirect damage) like Sableye from the new Lost Origin set, Mewtwo VUnion, Mimikyu VMax are "counters" of this deck for slowly undermining and ignoring Manaphy's ability, although Mewtwo VUnion, Mimikyu-VMax can be KO'd by Spiritomb because of their weakness to dark type, which balances out the disadvantage in this case.
Pokémon that inhibit damage from basic Pokémon such as Flying Pikachu VMax in Arceus VStar decks can often end the game as well.
The Eiscue EVS 47, which is frequent in Kyurem-VMax decks, also spoils our plans because of his second attack Blockface since their entire deck is made up of basic attackers.
It is a cheap and very complex deck to assemble and play at the right timing to not break the rhythm. It's quite a complex list to pilot.
I don't recommend this deck for beginners, but for those who have some more experience for the Pokémon TCG, so for you beginners, don't think that simply because it's a deck that has high damage that it's easy like [link]](https://pokemon.cardsrealm.com/en-us/articles/lunatone--solrock-deck-tech--a-cheap-ptcg-go-deck)(Solrock and Lunatone). It is a bit more delicate to deal with and manage resources well, so to use it, study the deck well and understand it minimally to have a good affinity.
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