Hello everyone!
With the arrival of the set Stellar Crown, some decks that were once forgotten, especially those with stage 2 Pokémon, have undergone new revisions and can now offer an aggressive strategy, even while being considered rogue decks. This is possible thanks to the ACE SPEC stadium Grand Tree SCR 136, which rapidly accelerates the evolution of Kingambit svp 130, revitalizing the deck.
The first version of the deck focused on the evolutionary line of Froslass TWM 174, combined with the acceleration of the ACE SPEC Hyper Aroma TWM 152.
Now, however, our focus will be on the stadium Grand Tree SCR 136 in combination with Kingambit svp 130.
Shogunate: The Second Version
Kingambit: Understanding Its Mechanic

The attack we’re interested in is the first one, Strike Down. It states that if the opponent’s Pokémon has 4 or more damage counters, the opponent’s active Pokémon is automatically knocked out, regardless of its HP. This includes VStar Pokémon with 280 HP and Pokémon ex with up to 330 HP.
To ensure that Kingambit svp 130 activates its attack, it requires support from Pokémon that add damage counters, such as Froslass TWM 174 and Emolga TWM 69.
Emolga: The Deck's "Start-up" Attacker

Emolga TWM 69 is useful with its attack Sky Wave, which deals 10 damage to the opponent’s active Pokémon and 10 to all Pokémon in play (both yours and your opponent's). It also has zero retreat cost, saving energies for Kingambit svp 130.
Froslass: Damage Supplement

This is where the deck shines! In the current format, many Pokémon have abilities, such as Bibarel BRS 121, Manaphy BRS 41, Radiant Greninja ASR 46, among others. Froslass TWM 174’s Freezing Shroud ability adds one damage counter for each Pokémon with abilities in play (except her). This effect is cumulative! Ideally, you want to have at least three copies of Froslass TWM 174 to maximize this combo.
Recursive Pokémon

► Cleffa sv3 80 is useful for “draw power” without relying on Pokémon with abilities.
► Manaphy BRS 41 protects against opposing “sniper” attacks.
Trainer Cards
Supporter for Item and Tool Search

Used to speed up the set-up by searching for Pawniard CRZ 91 and Snorunt SIT 41, as well as tools like Technical Machine: Devolution sv4 177 for finishing blows.
Supporter for Froslass Search

This card allows you to search for a Water Pokémon and an item, making it easier to get Froslass TWM 174.
Supporters with Specific Functions Based on Prize Cards

► Lacey SCR 139 provides draw power when you are behind in Prizes, drawing 8 cards instead of 4.
► Roxanne ASR 150 provides draw power while sabotaging the opponent’s hand, shuffling and giving you 6 cards while the opponent gets only 2.
Search and Recycling Items

Item for Pokémon and Energy Recycling

This card is essential for maintaining the evolutionary line of Kingambit svp 130, as well as recovering metal energies.
Item for Accelerated Evolution

Rare Candy PGO 69 allows you to evolve directly from Pawniard to Kingambit, speeding up the game in case Grand Tree SCR 136 is not available.

These tools help maintain the damage combo and ensure multiple knockouts. Rescue Board helps ensure the retreat for Froslass.

Grand Tree is the heart of the deck, speeding up evolutions and optimizing the set-up.
However, be cautious of opponent cards like Lost Vacuum CRZ 135, which can destroy your advantage.

The stadium places two damage counters on any Pokémon put into play, aiding the combo of Kingambit svp 130.
Format Archetypes
- Decks with many ability-heavy Pokémon, such as Regidrago VSTAR SIT 136.
- Control decks, like Iron Thorns ex TWM 77.
- Decks featuring Charizard ex sv4pt5 54.
- AgainstGardevoir ex sv4pt5 29 with Munkidori TWM 95, there's a disadvantage if the opponent knows how to accurately calculate the damage counters they'll receive and use that to their advantage, especially with the help of Drifloon sv1 89.
- Against Dragapult ex TWM 130, the disadvantage lies in it being developed faster than yours.
- Against Roaring Moon ex PR-SV 67.
- Against Terapagos ex SCR 128 when played pure, without combination with Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR PR-SW SWSH254.
- Against Iron Hands ex sv4 70.
- Against Greninja ex TWM 106.
- Against decks that combine multiple attackers, such as Wellspring Mask Ogerpon ex TWM 64 supported by Greninja ex TWM 106.
- Against Scizor sv3 141.
This deck is ideal for players who enjoy surprises and want a fun, casual deck. The mechanic of “pinging” damage and ensuring an “Instant K.O.” with Kingambit svp 130 can surprise many opponents.
Until the next article!
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