As Scarlet & Violet: Obsidian Flames has been released, I can now introduce you to some different deck suggestions. These decks use cards from this set, and were created to give you some ideas for your own adaptations or be your next favorite deck exactly as they are listed here.
Decks with Obsidian Flames
Charizard ex Terastal + Pidgeot ex

This is one of the most beloved and hyped Pokémon from this release.
The Infernal Reign ability states: when you evolve this Charizard ex Tera from one of your previous Pokémon (be it through Charmeleon in the conventional way or by cheating out an evolution with Charmander and Rare Candy PGO 69), it activates its ability. This ability allows you to look for three basic Fire energies and attach them to your Pokémon in any way you want - which is an excellent way to accelerate your energy setup.
Its attack is based on the number of Prize Cards your opponent collected. Like so, we have 180 base damage plus 30 extra damage for each Prize Card collected, and, in the best-case scenario, with 4 Prize Cards collected, you'll be able to deal, easily, 300 damage to the board. This attack can even be amplified by Defiance Band sv1 169, gaining an additional 30 points.
We also have a simple recursive Pokémon, Mawile LOR 71, which helps you complement the necessary damage to knock out a Pokémon with its first attack, Tempting Trap. This 90 extra damage is quite useful.
But the most recursive Pokémon in this deck is Pidgeot ex sv3 164, with its Quick Search ability, which, at each turn, allows you to look for any card you want in your deck. This is extremely strong - it's worth stressing that this ability can only be used once per turn, even if there are two Pidgeot ex on board.
Tyranitar ex Terastal + Dodrio (151 Set)

We got very efficient backup for Tyranitar ex Tera when the 151 special set was released. These cards boost its second attack, Lightning Rampage, which deals 100 extra damage alongside its base damage, 151, if any Pokémon on your bench has damage counters. This is when Dodrio sv3pt5 85 comes in with its Zooming Draw ability, placing a damage counter on itself (10 damage) and even drawing cards.
Besides the fact Tyranitar ex sv3 66 is a great "counter" to decks like Lugia VSTAR SIT 211, Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR CRZ GG67 and Blastoise ex sv3pt5 184, we also have Dodrio sv3pt5 85 itself as a "Single Prize" attacker. For one energy, it can deal up to 280 damage (considering Dodrio has 10 HP left, 90 HP lost times 30 damage for each damage counter will give you the total of 270 damage, plus 10 damage from the base attack)!
In this deck, I also opted to add Pidgeot ex sv3 164 for its consistency, with its ability that gets you resources. It helps a lot if your opponent used an Iono sv2 185 to sabotage your hand, as it allows you to go around that and look for your own copy of Iono sv2 185.
Revavroom ex

This deck follows the same logic as Honchkrow V BRS 88 from Brilliant Stars. Its ability, Tune-Up allows you to place 4 tools in play instead of only one (as it should be per the rules of the game) - but, of course, if your opponent plays the card Path to the Peak CRE 148, it will cancel out your ability.
It is a good addition in the format against Chien-Pao ex PR-SV 30 decks, because of the Steel type weakness, dealing double damage. You can also choose various tool possibilities against your opponent, be it more offensive-oriented, using Choice Belt sv2 176 to deal more damage to Pokémon V in general, or more defensive-oriented, using Rigid Band sv3pt5 165.
In this list, I decided to prioritize a balance between all metagame needs:
- Increasing defence with Rigid Band sv3pt5 165 and Defiance Vest sv4 162.
- Having a targeted attack against Pokémon V in general with Choice Belt sv2 176.
- Increasing damage through a counter-attack if you're losing the game through the Prize Cards race, with Defiance Band sv1 169.
Vespiquen ex Terastal

This deck is trying to deal as much damage to the board it can, so you can then spread it with Vespiquen ex sv3 96's second attack, Phantom Queen. This attack, besides dealing 200 base damage, allows you to place 3 damage counters on your opponent's bench in any way you want to. Then, it can be redistributed by Radiant Alakazam SIT 59's ability.
That being said, this deck also puts an ace up your sleeve, which is using Vespiquen's "baby" version, Vespiquen sv2 9, with the Order a Raid attack. This attack deals 120 target damage for just one Grass energy, and, as it is part of the original archetype (Bug, which is in the "Grass" type field), it will deal double damage to Charizard ex sv3 125. As Charizard ex sv3 125 is very popular among players, you can surprise them when you set up this unusual play.
To spread more damage on the board, we count with Spinda SIT 141, which deals 10 damage to all enemy Pokémon, making it easier for you to deal damage long term.
Decidueye ex + Meowscarada ex

This deck's goal is to use "spread and sniper" attacks at the same time, using the Decidueye ex sv3 15 attack combo to deal 130 damage to the active Pokémon and 30 damage to one of the benched Pokémon. At the same time, with Meowscarada ex PR-SV 33's ability, discarding one Grass energy from your hand, you'll place 3 damage counters on one of your opponent's Pokémon. Consequently, its attack, Scratching Nails, will deal 100 + 120 damage if there are any damage counters on your opponent's Pokémon, which makes it easier to constantly deal damage in this cycle.
To help you move these damage counters, we have Radiant Alakazam SIT 59. It becomes essential in this list as it redirects these counters to an opponent's key Pokémon. We also have Spinda SIT 141 in this list, as an "escape goat" in this strategy, and it also serves as another cog in your deck's big engine.

This deck's goal is simple: "instantly knock out" your opponent's Pokémon, with no extra steps.
We have Kingambit sv3 150 with its first attack, Strike Down, which requires your opponent's Pokémon to have 4 damage counters or more to knock it down directly. As a result, we have Spinda SIT 141 coming in this list, because, if it is equipped with the tool Vengeful Punch sv3 197, besides dealing 10 damage to all your opponent's Pokémon, it will place 4 damage counters on them as a counter-attack to your opponent.
It is a cheap deck, and is very easy to build for those who are on a tight budget for investments. It is also a good rogue deck with devastating attacks.
This Pokémon can also be used in different ways, and you can link these strategies with Mismagius SIT 64 or Cacturne sv1 6, if you want to alter this list.
Final Words
These are just some ideas for you to build decks and experiment with the Obsidian Flames cards. You're welcome to change these lists!
What about you? What do you think of the new cards? Leave your opinion in the comment section!
See you next time!
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