The new Jigglypuff promo is almost here! It might become one of the strongest cards in Pokémon Pocket really soon.
So, we decided to build a few lists with it so you can try it as soon as it comes out!
Let's go!
Starmie ex & Articuno + Wigglytuff

This list combines Articuno/Starmie ex's kit with the new Jigglypuff promo and Wigglytuff.
The main game plan is to get as much out of Misty's effect as you can, and attach many Water energies to your Water Pokémon. With her, you'll most likely be able to turn your Articuno ex and regular Articuno into formidable attackers. This will also buy you a lot of time while you set up the rest of your Pokémon.
Jigglypuff is a basic Pokémon that will drastically improve slower lists that need time to set up their strategy. Considering this deck has slow elements, like Articuno and Articuno ex, it will be great with the new Jigglypuff.
This deck is also extremely flexible and can quickly change from slow to fast with Starmie ex. Because its retreat cost is zero, when your opponent threatens it, you can swap it for one of your benched Pokémon.
So, this list is quite complex, but also very versatile, and has a lot of potential because of the new Jigglypuff promo. It might be enough to put Water decks at the top of competitive rankings!
Gengar ex - You'll Never Move Again

This strategy is getting more popular by the minute. It is a "rogue" deck that "counters" a few strategies, like Blaine lists and any list that uses many Support cards, aka, Misty decks.
The main idea is to use Psyduck to lock down your opponent and prevent them from playing support cards. Eventually, you'll be able to evolve and prepare your Gengar ex, which also locks down opponents with its ability.
However, this list struggles a bit against aggressive decks that use early game Pokémon in the active slot and enjoy attacking on the first few turns, like Moltres ex and Kangaskhan. This is where the new Jigglypuff Promo comes in.
Instead of locking down your opponent and preventing them from playing support cards, you'll lock down their entire strategy by making their active Pokémon Asleep.
With the new Jigglypuff promo, you'll make this strategy even more complete, and this will finally be a proper competitive deck.
It is great for the NOEX format as well!
Machamp ex

Machamp ex is currently struggling a lot, despite being very powerful. The issue is that it is weak against the most popular and strongest deck in the game: Mewtwo ex.
However, this list was built to play around these issues with the new Jigglypuff promo, and a Golbat tech that is becoming quite popular.
Jigglypuff acts like a "stall" card in this strategy, as it will prevent your opponent from having an active early game. This will buy you enough time to attach energies to your Machamp ex. If you're playing against Mewtwo ex, Golbat is a great aggressive option because it doesn't need Darkness energies to attack. This means you can build this entire list with only Fighting energies.
So, Machamp ex will finally have a chance to compete alongside the best meta decks. This list is slow enough to need a basic Pokémon like the new Jigglypuff promo. With it, you'll buy enough time until you can attach all your energies to your main finisher.
Dragonite Stall

The most popular stall strategy in the game nowadays is Dragonite + Weezing. However, you can now build this deck in a different way with the new Jigglypuff promo.
The best thing about it is that, this way, you can use Wigglytuff ex as an alternative win condition instead of Dragonite. That is, if you're lucky enough with your Jigglypuff promo and manage to make the opponent's active Pokémon Asleep. This way, you'll have enough time to attach three energies to it.
Another great thing is that this list can work with only two energies instead of three, which makes it a bit more consistent.
The downside is that it is a bit weaker against Mewtwo ex because it doesn't have an advantage over their Pokémon type. As a result, it's up to you if you prefer to Poison your opponent instead of making it fall Asleep.
In any case, it is great for the NOEX format and should become one of the most popular strategies in this format as soon as the new Jigglypuff promo is available.
Final Words

If you read this far, thank you! I hope you had fun and enjoyed reading this article.
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