Today's deck has a healing and "tanker" strategy, with energy transfer excellence to use Max Potion without having to suffer the effect of energy discards, combining the Bronzong BST 102 to be an intermediary to the deck's attacker: Corviknight VMax!
Corviknight VMax - Tanker & Cure Deck
Corviknight VMax: the main attacker

His premise is very simple: high damage of 240 with this setback of not being able to attack. However, there is the detail of the Pokémon's retreat cost, which is zero, that is, it can reset this effect, and if it is promoted again to the active position, it can attack once more.
With that information in mind, if you can't retreat, you'll use the trick that he has high HP to withstand the opponent's damage (who will hardly find someone who hits with 320 raw damage - maybe only with fire Pokémon). You will transfer these metallic energies with the ability of Bronzong BST 102 to another Corviknight V or Corviknight VMax and then use Max Potion GRI 128 to heal or Cheryl BST 123 for the same effect, without losing energy.
And, we have the ability of the Pokémon that is immune to the effects of the opponent's skills. For example, if there are Pokémon that can use “bad status” like burn, poison, confusion (for these examples) against it, it doesn't work.
That's how you should keep the reasoning of the game.
Lucario & Melmetal Tag Team-GX: the damage reduction and starting attacker buff Pokemon

This card serves as a "helper" with damage reduction, so that Corviknight VMax has benefits, in addition to the help of Metal Goggles TEU 148 which reinforces with an addition of 30 reduced damage from opponent's attacks, for a total of 60 damage taken. This is all in addition to the additional effect that it offers protection against opponent attacks and abilities that try to put damage counters on the Pokémon that has the tool equipped.
Recursive Pokémon

- Bronzor TEU 100 has the Evolutionary Advantage, which means that if you're second to play on the first turn, you can evolve it right away.
- Bronzong BST 102 has Metal Transfer, which lets you move Metal Energy between your Pokémon.
- Radiant Greninja ASR 46 has Concealed Cards, which causes you to discard an Energy card from your hand to draw 2 cards from the top of your deck.
Trainer Cards
Supporters: deck searches and draws

- Professor's Research BRS 147 has the function of discarding your hand and drawing 7 new cards.
- Jasmine TEU 145 is very interesting, due to its second effect: if you are the second player on your turn in the first round, instead of searching 1 Metal Pokémon from your deck, you search for up to 5 Pokémon, reveal them, then shuffle your deck.
The use of it is very strong to make the greatest possible filter of Pokémon in play, optimizing your bench set-up.
Supporter: Pokémon catcher

Supporter: Healing

- Cheryl BST 123 only works for evolved Pokémon, at the cost of discarding the Energy attached to this Pokémon.
Item: Tool

- Metal Goggles TEU 148 serves to reduce 30 damage from opponent's attacks (after applying weakness and resistance), in addition to preventing effects of attacks and abilities that put damage counters on the Pokémon that has this tool turned on.
As Pokémon that place damage counters ("spread") we have Inteleon PR-SW SWSH279, Volcarona-GX CEC 35, Dragapult VMax RCL 93, which the tool prevents.
Another suggestion, optional, is that you also put the Metal Frying Pan FLI 112 on your list, which has the same beneficial effect of reducing damage, in addition to taking away the weakness of the metallic Pokémon to the fire type. I opted to put the Metal Googles to remove the damage counters for attack effects, since the ability of Corviknight VMax already bypasses the effects of the opponent's Pokémon skills, but doesn't bypass the effects of attacks.
Items: Set-up

- Scoop Up Cyclone PLB 95 is an ACE SPEC (a specific type of card that can only have one of the type in the deck), whose function if case is to recall a Pokémon and all cards attached to it back to your hand.
Here, it serves to remove Lucario & Melmetal-GX UNB 120 from the game, in case you have carried out the effect of his GX attack and guarantee the defense bonus of your game, taking him out of the scene, because in addition to of being a Pokémon with a high damage cost, that is, asking for 4 energy, it has weak damage, 150, which is not good for what you expect from 4 turns.
Therefore, it is ideal to do the GX attack soon in the first turns to guarantee the damage reduction bonus and have this advantage for Corviknight VMax.
- Metal Saucer SSH 170 is used to cycle a Metal Energy from the discard pile to one of your Benched Pokémon.
It's practically the second-best item card in the deck for powering up and ensuring as many of these metallic energies as possible so Bronzong BST 102 can work.
- VS Seeker PHF 109 serves as a Supporter recycler, being able to pick up key cards.
- Max Potion GRI 128 is one of the main cards in the deck, as it heals all damage from the Pokémon at the cost of losing all energy attached to it.

-Mt. Coronet UPR 130 has the objective of, between turns (you and your opponent), take up to two metallic energies from the discard pile and putting them in your hand.
This buys some time, if you put in an active Pokémon as damage support, like Lucario & Melmetal-GX UNB 120 and with that, you tribute some metallic energy using Ultra Ball BRS 150 or Quick Ball SSH 179, you have a chance to retrieve them until it comes to Metal Saucer SSH 170 in other turns and speed up some Corviknight VMax from the bench, building your game.
Format archetypes
- Its only premises are to take damage and heal. And since we have two facts in our favor, being a Pokémon with high HP (320 HP) and free retreat, Corviknight VMax BST 110 is a damage and resistant machine, which thanks to our strategy, with the help of the Bronzong BST 102, you will use the deck's healing resources, Max Potion GRI 128 and Cheryl BST 123, lasting forever in the game. Not to mention the beneficial effects of the GX attack of Lucario & Melmetal-GX UNB 120 and Metal Goggles TEU 148 with 60 damage reduction!
- Decks that have a Metal-type weakness, such as Ice Pokémon, such as Kyurem VMax LOR 49.
- Fairy archetype decks (but there are few in Expanded).
- Decks of the fire archetype, for dealing double damage due to the weakness.
- Radiant Heatran ASR 27, for being able to hit damage above 400 points with ease.
- Mewtwo & Mew-GX UNM 71 decks that use Jolteon-EX GEN 28 and Glaceon-EX FCO 20 (mainly this one); and even if in that deck you use the VStar of Unown VSTAR SIT 66 to add the weakness of Corviknight VMax to psychic and the effect of Glaceon-EX, like in this article.
It's a great deck to control the damage it receives and heal at the right time, and it also has a clear roadmap to be followed, without any kind of setbacks. Its only concern is knowing how to manage the healing resources.
Until next time!
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