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Guide: Which Space-Time Smackdown Pack Should You Open?

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In this article, I'll show you which meta decks you can build when you invest in a specific Space-Time Smackdown pack. Furthermore, I'll explain exactly why you should pick Palkia or Dialga, and what each one can offer you!

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translated by Joey

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revised by Joey

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Table of contents

  1. > Introduction
  2. > Palkia Pack
    1. Lists You Can Build With Palkia Packs
  3. > Dialga Pack
    1. Lists You Can Build With Dialga Packs
  4. > Final Words


Today, we'll analyze each pack from the new set, Space-Time Smackdown, and show you which one you should invest in first.

We'll consider the metagame and the cards used in the strongest competitive decks. Remember, the Palkia pack and the Dialga pack include different cards, so you should think twice before investing in them.

Down below, we'll show you which decks you can build if you decide to open one of these packs. However, if you just want to collect all the cards, feel free to open any pack in any way you'd like.


Let's go!

Palkia Pack

Here are all the EX cards you can get from opening Palkia packs.

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Only Palkia EX has a place in the meta nowadays out of all the Pokémon EX in this pack. The other Pokémon EX are played in lower-tiered decks or rogue (off-meta) lists, and these aren't the best options for tournaments or normal matches.

Weavile EX is the second-best option, as it is extremely versatile and playable in Darkrai EX archetypes. It is one of the best Darkness cards around, but its main deck isn't well-positioned in the meta, so Weavile EX is more of a tier-B Pokémon. It loses space to Darkrai EX, which is a central piece in lists that use Darkness energies.

Weavile EX might be excellent, but Darkness decks prefer Magnezone because it is more versatile and answers the meta slightly better. Remember, the meta is full of Water decks.

Below, let's see which trainers we can find in Palkia packs.

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Competitively, Cyrus is currently the most powerful card in the game, and it is seeing play in nearly 100% of all meta decks. Other trainers in this pack only see play in a few specific archetypes, and are usually not worth investing in.

As it is an essential "staple", Cyrus, by itself, is already reason enough to invest resources in Palkia packs.

Below, you'll find a few relevant cards in this pack that you'll certainly want in your collection.

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Spiritomb is the best setup Pokémon for the pure Darkness archetype, and is essential if you want to build this deck.

Manaphy is currently the best setup card in Water decks. It is critical in this list, and all Water archetypes struggle without it.

Finally, Rocky Helmet is the second-best Pokémon tool in the entire game. It is incredibly popular, particularly in slower stall lists.

Pack Summary

You should invest in Palkia packs if you want to build Water decks. Water decks are one of the most powerful archetypes in the game, but they rely a lot on luck, more specifically on coin tosses. If you hit them, they're the best decks in the format.

If you're not interested in Water decks, but still want to at least have the best decks in the meta, you should open Palkia packs until you get two copies of Cyrus, the best card in the game right now.

Lists You Can Build With Palkia Packs

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Dialga Pack

Here are all Pokémon EX you can find in this pack.

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Apart from Gallade EX, all Pokémon EX in this pack are relevant in the meta, and see play in tier-A/tier-B lists. Yanmega EX and Darkrai EX are seeing play in the two best decks in the entire game, and are critical for their success in tournaments.


Pachirisu EX recently stood out because a new deck with it performed really well in tournaments. As for Dialga EX, it is excellent (perhaps even better than Palkia EX), but, as its support cards are relatively weak, it is a tier-B strategy, even though it is extremely consistent.

There's no reason to open Dialga packs to get trainers because all trainers in this pack are weak, competitively speaking.

Below, you'll find a few relevant cards from this pack that you might want in your collection.

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Lucario, Rampardos, and Heatran are all excellent in the NOEX format. If you're a free-to-play player and want to compete in tournaments, investing in Dialga packs is a good idea because it includes the best Pokémon for "budget" formats.

As for Giant Cape, just like Cyrus, it is a "staple" in the game, and should be your priority if you're a competitive player. Currently, nearly all meta decks use this Pokémon tool, so it is one of the most important cards in the game.

Pokémon Communication is more situational for a tool, but it is still essential for a few meta lists that need to evolve Pokémon multiple times. It is a great card to have in your arsenal, and could make a difference in more strategic decks.

Pack Summary

If you're a competitive player, you should heavily invest in Dialga packs because it includes a few of the best cards in the meta.

If you're a free-to-play player, investing in Dialga packs is also worth it because it includes the best Pokémon for the NOEX format.

Lists You Can Build With Dialga Packs

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Final Words

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See you next time!